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I did not steal tugs items.
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:59 pm
by NuclearCake
Ok, so every horizons member is on my ass and accusing me of something i didnt do. Apparently tugs acct was stolen, and he was giving out rems and tabs. So, to try and get them back for the REAL tug, i joined the clan, got the items and left. Tug accused me of scammin, so i joined again and gave back the items to keep my rep good. I had recently shown ragina the items in my success, but the fake tug accused me of scamming. So, i gave them back and joined horizons again. A couple days after that i joined revenge, and now people think i took the items with me. I have been accused of something i didnt do, and let me say this again, I DID NOT STEAL TUGS ITEMS. I AM NOT A SCAMMER, HAVE DONE 1000S OF TRANSFERS AND WANT TO KEEP MY REP. I DID NOT TAKE HIS ITEMS, I GAVE THEM BACK.
Re: I DID NOT steal tugs items.
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:58 pm
by Saphire
That's funny Fake Tug accusing others of scamming. You know what I don't believe you are a scammer, the only person that is a scammer is the person playing on Tugs account.
Re: I DID NOT steal tugs items.
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:04 pm
by Tugmiwang
Don't worry about it cake. Wether you did or didn't can't be proved so there is no point in you bein accused without proof. I never accused you btw. In the end your character will speak the truth and not speculations or assumptions. It isn't like you jacked the account anyways. So best of luck in revenge I am sure Amna and Wiz will treat you good.
Re: I DID NOT steal tugs items.
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:22 am
by NuclearCake
Thank you for the support. Rags is all out accusation on me. Get her to stop pls.
Re: I DID NOT steal tugs items.
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:06 pm
by johnrock
Thank you for the support. Rags is all out accusation on me. Get her to stop pls.
U wont get her o stop. U come bac like 2months later she still remebers and yells
Re: I did not steal tugs items.
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:35 pm
by Tugmiwang
John you should try something called truth and honesty for a change. This topic needs to be locked as John has decided to turn it into a thread bashing leader of horizons. Due to being kicked because he is untrustworthy. Also tries to borrow gear off members and other people all the time as I never hear the end of it. Also John does not return what he borrows which lead to him being kicked.
Cake i have talked to clan on your behalf. My gear and account is now a support issue and they will decide what to do with it wether I am happy with decision or not.
Re: I did not steal tugs items.
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:17 pm
by NuclearCake
So I can be banned for something i didnt do? Also big healer talked to me this morning about it. Pls let me go. I dont want anymore negativity and i really dont want to be banned. Pls
Re: I did not steal tugs items.
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:24 pm
by Tugmiwang
My gear and account has nothing to do with me or horizons ATM it is between the acct jacker and support. I do not understand why you are sweating bullets over people saying stuff that have no authority? People are mad and I am not to impressed with seeing my toons stuff being redistributed and being impersonated but, what else can I do its out of my hands. This petty drama needs to stop. As for taking cheap shots at Ragina I will not tolerate it. Say what you want about me I don't care but, I do not feel any of the goons such as but, not limited to John really have any right to talk bs about any leader of any clan. Instead they should focus on being more positive and respectable as they do not have what it takes to run a clan or even be a decent person online for that matter.
Re: I did not steal tugs items.
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:30 pm
by johnrock
John you should try something called truth and honesty for a change. This topic needs to be locked as John has decided to turn it into a thread bashing leader of horizons. Due to being kicked because he is untrustworthy. Also tries to borrow gear off members and other people all the time as I never hear the end of it. Also John does not return what he borrows which lead to him being kicked.
Cake i have talked to clan on your behalf. My gear and account is now a support issue and they will decide what to do with it wether I am happy with decision or not.
I did something like 3 1/2 months ago about the clan bank and she brought it back up out of know where.
Re: I did not steal tugs items.
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:40 pm
by Tugmiwang
I did something like 3 1/2 months ago about the clan bank and she brought it back up out of know where.
Did i miss something did i post on the what did John do three and a half months ago thread?