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Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 3:17 am
by RechargeRHH
I dont know how many of you have seen the prom video that arawn put up in general discussion.

Im going to organize a prom event myself for rosmerta.

Anyone and everyone is invited!!!!

We will have a costume contest, best couple, prom king and queen, arena wars, races and more!!

Everyone make sure to bring a date and have nice matching outfits or costumes!

The event will take place this Friday (May 3rd) at 6:00 P.M (EST TIME)
I hope to see tons of people out there!
Get out and spread the word.

Lets make this last day of update 3 a good one.

Go rosmerta

Re: Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:03 am
by Mr.E
Im actually kind of on board with this, would be a great resolution. Hope nothin gets in the way of it :).

Re: Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:57 am
by Demonicfreeze11
How long can u keep up the lies charge? I had an egg but u denied it sayin i nvr won and now ur lien about more crap like this?

Re: Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:14 am
by RechargeRHH
This post has nothing to do with eggs, i have the list, you are not on it.

Re: Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:52 pm
by johnrock
How long can u keep up the lies charge? I had an egg but u denied it sayin i nvr won and now ur lien about more crap like this?
Why would u keep xfering over 1mill in stuff after u lost 1 thing

Re: Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 2:25 pm
by Zantar
I'm ready for Prom! I don't remember my last one but I think I had a good time.

I got my santa's hat on and blue trident.

helllooooooo ladies....bahahahaha

Re: Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:27 pm
by Feleon
I dont know how many of you have seen the prom video that arawn put up in general discussion.

Im going to organize a prom event myself for rosmerta.

Anyone and everyone is invited!!!!

We will have a costume contest, best couple, prom king and queen, arena wars, races and more!!

Everyone make sure to bring a date and have nice matching outfits or costumes!

The event will take place this Friday (May 3rd) at 9:00 P.M (EST TIME)
I hope to see tons of people out there!
Get out and spread the word.

Lets make this last day of update 3 a good one.

Go rosmerta
I think we see your name the top :) no need to say it again

Re: Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:31 pm
by Legolas15
Spreading like wildfire :)

Re: Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:42 pm
by Ezekiell
Good idea but a bad point of time ;)

Re: Rosmerta Update 3 Prom (Inspired by Badabing)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:45 pm
by Allyme
U guys mind a newb gwydion joining in on ur prom aswell :)