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No apologies and no surrender

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 7:19 pm
by Moocow
So the other day while taking down the 150 5* llara came and calmed Amna. Amna lost aggro then the mob went crazy attacking all and it reset. Then Godo tanked it we were out dpsed and awake got the lock and killed it. Gz to awake but I'm done being Mr. Nice Guy and not wanting to involve my friends in awake. If you are in awake and you standby and do/say nothing then your just as guilty. Then I have "friends" who defend the actions of their clannys. If you really want to stay out of it then leave when they start calming. Otherwise you're just as guilty. I think I've been very humble and neutral but I see my actions haven't been returned. Oh well egg on my face, but I promise we all will share this egg. A wise man once said, "If u seek peace you must prepare for war." Well guess whos ready for war. In the end otm wins lots of plat will be wasted get your dollars ready.

Re: No apologies and no surrender

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 7:42 pm
by Tugmiwang
I think you are crying over spilt milk that went sour a long time ago. Are you justified sure but, no more then the clan you attack.

Re: No apologies and no surrender

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 9:22 pm
by meepol
I thought that ksing had the heads up..

Mc it happens, dnt let it get to ya

Re: No apologies and no surrender

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:57 pm
by Mr.E
I think you are crying over spilt milk that went sour a long time ago. Are you justified sure but, no more then the clan you attack.
They started this nonsense after a long period of peace between us. They got greedy first before us, now it's on. Awake better give it all they got, because even then it still won't be enough.

Re: No apologies and no surrender

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:23 am
by Tugmiwang
They started this nonsense after a long period of peace between us. They got greedy first before us, now it's on. Awake better give it all they got, because even then it still won't be enough

Tell yourself that when it is another clan and you ks them anyways for drops you do not need. This self rightious bs is just a way to mislead the younger of age members in your clan. Which btw there are a lot. Instead of reporting certain things to support, I find it funny how these issues are used as a reason to attack people and drag your own friends into drama quicksand over something they really had nothing to do with in the first place.

Lets review your statements?

THEY STARTED THIS NONSENSE? ohhhh ok, so you may as well help continue it? I remember when I was 5ish I use to make the same statements.

Long period of peace? Revenge is too new for that to even be accurate both clans are ffa so where were boundries crossed?

We got greedy before you? again if your greedy and we are greedy what boundries were crossed, for you to have this outburst?

Personally I have friends in awake and in revenge and I am not gonna grief either because the drama queens of rosemerta want to be fed. For every player you grief you coulda helped 5 friends instead. The people you grief wil only give you greif and the friends you help will give you help. Maybe try not to have such a big ego over such a small game.

Re: No apologies and no surrender

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:53 am
by RechargeRHH
You rock tug.