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Dice Duels

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:44 am
by DoubleDice
The DoubleDice Clan has a new game! We've tested it and experimented for a long time. We've worked it down to a science and began offering it today. We call it... The Dice Duel!

How to play:

1.Trade a DoubleDice Clan host any amount of gold. Say dd in the trade so the host knows you want to dice duel.

2.The host will announce it as "5k wager @ DoubleDice" (this is just an example)

3.Another player will trade that host the same amount

4. The host will say "Gl Bob vs Dave 9k pot roll em" or something similar to this. Both players bet 5k each, but the host keeps 10% of the pot so the total pot ends up as 9k.

5. Both players will roll, highest roll gets the pot

We thought you all might enjoy a new game to play! Keep an eye out for some of our coming clan events. Some will be surprises and will not be announced before the date. We have big plans for this special summer event!

Thanks to everyone for the support of our clan!

Re: Dice Duels

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:53 am
by FrostKnight

Re: Dice Duels

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:27 am
by Ezekiell
Stop dicing on our sever! The chance to win is just 40% so the dicer wins in a long way. That's unfair and we all know you will scamm people. We don't know when but you will do it.
And stop making new accs. Every time I go to castle I have to block 1-3 new ppl.
Stop dicing/scamming!!!

Re: Dice Duels

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:23 pm
by DoubleDice
Stop dicing on our sever! The chance to win is just 40% so the dicer wins in a long way. That's unfair and we all know you will scamm people. We don't know when but you will do it.
And stop making new accs. Every time I go to castle I have to block 1-3 new ppl.
Stop dicing/scamming!!!
You are about the only person that still is opposed to dicing. Keep your opinions to yourself. I don't have any new accounts. Everyone wants to follow in the footsteps of myself and my clannies so they make all those dicing accounts. People who enjoy dicing can bet all they want to. You do not have a say in that. I've had some very large payouts this week and I even got to hold DrPeppers 70% broom which is a great privelidge. Ezekiell, please keep your opinions to yourself.


Re: Dice Duels

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:05 pm
by NuclearCake
Go dice somewhere else. Its not wanted here. Go try Rhiannon! They love it. We hate it, go away

Re: Dice Duels

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:29 pm
by Xanadu
Stop dicing on our sever! The chance to win is just 40% so the dicer wins in a long way. That's unfair and we all know you will scamm people. We don't know when but you will do it.
And stop making new accs. Every time I go to castle I have to block 1-3 new ppl.
Stop dicing/scamming!!!
You are about the only person that still is opposed to dicing.
No, he's not. Don't mistake silence or ignoring you for disagreement with his premise.

Re: Dice Duels

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:41 pm
by ThyraUnited
Same Eze. Everytime i look in area in castle and if it says dice in their name it is auto block.

Re: Dice Duels

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:51 am
by Yrck
i dont know what all the commotion is about, it believe it adds some fun to the game. you dont go to a casino and say go away your scamming do u? or do you really believe the odds on casino games is better? if you dont want to dice then dont dice, personally i like it and do it every 2-3 days a small amount of money. its fun and doesnt come close to scamming, as all of the DoubleDice clan can indeed be trusted, ive seen some big payouts. what you're doing is simply hating on someone that wants to bring fun options in this already cool game, who cares if they make a small amount of money? after all its still a game of luck, ive seen hosters down 500k in one evening, but seen them up 200k too... care about your own issues, dont hate on those that dont cause them.

Re: Dice Duels

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:34 am
by FrostKnight
i dont know what all the commotion is about, it believe it adds some fun to the game. you dont go to a casino and say go away your scamming do u? or do you really believe the odds on casino games is better? if you dont want to dice then dont dice, personally i like it and do it every 2-3 days a small amount of money. its fun and doesnt come close to scamming, as all of the DoubleDice clan can indeed be trusted, ive seen some big payouts. what you're doing is simply hating on someone that wants to bring fun options in this already cool game, who cares if they make a small amount of money? after all its still a game of luck, ive seen hosters down 500k in one evening, but seen them up 200k too... care about your own issues, dont hate on those that dont cause them.
This isn't my world, but I don't see how its fun. At all.

Re: Dice Duels

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:43 pm
by Yrck
i dont know what all the commotion is about, it believe it adds some fun to the game. you dont go to a casino and say go away your scamming do u? or do you really believe the odds on casino games is better? if you dont want to dice then dont dice, personally i like it and do it every 2-3 days a small amount of money. its fun and doesnt come close to scamming, as all of the DoubleDice clan can indeed be trusted, ive seen some big payouts. what you're doing is simply hating on someone that wants to bring fun options in this already cool game, who cares if they make a small amount of money? after all its still a game of luck, ive seen hosters down 500k in one evening, but seen them up 200k too... care about your own issues, dont hate on those that dont cause them.
This isn't my world, but I don't see how its fun. At all.
well, its the rush of gambling that makes it fun, just like its fun to go to a casino every now and then.