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Joslynn imposter warning!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:30 pm
by joslin
Guy uses a capital i I not Lower case l or L ya beware loves to pose as me and scam watchdogs and other clans alike ty for takin time to read.

Re: Joslynn imposter warning!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:42 pm
by meepol
The guys is *name removed*.

He asks me ingame if I wna buy jos, I say "your bluffing.." So I call him a scammer.

He seems upset and goes fine! Il log onto him.

He then logs onto a lv 1 warrior called josslyyn for half a second and spawns infront of me.

Let's just say this player was kicked from a sub clan I own and I hav blockd him.