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Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:36 pm
by Feleon
I know im not very rich or even close to the richest but this is my inventory:
Hero Ammy+Gloves+Boots
Golden Ammy of Energy
Ebullient Broom of Winter
Soaring Cloud
Golden Blade of Magic
Golden Helm of Bloodlust
Full set of white sunlit
Full set of black sunlit
Red Mask of Lugh
20 superknows
Countless more items worth 10k or less all over this game

I this got me thinking. Who really is the richest player? Ik doubledice is up there but whos #1?

Re: Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:48 am
by NuclearCake

Re: Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:39 am
by meepol
Mommy is (amna)

She buys 4k plat like once a month.

Re: Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:38 am
by Ezekiell
Ill try to list my stuff (because im bored and dont know what to do):
1mill staff
hero ammy
star ammy
hero gloves and boots
haste ring
ring of war
golden trident
axe of conquest
ring of souls
quartz icon
invigoration and regeneration bracelet
hp and energy regen ring (lvl 50 ones)
around 400-500k cash
160 sk lixes
100 hero haste, travel, hp and energy regen lixes
around 1,5k pots and idols
and some other stuff I don't remember :)

Re: Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:07 am
by Morgorath
yea, these could be some of the richest players:
WizardOnion- Now banned i think
DiceNslice.... thats all i really know. I have some items i can calculate to gold worth .etc.

OK so i have:
Lesser earthstone helm- 50k?
Freezing helm of the champion- 240k
Heroic ammy of rejuv- 200k
Heroic gloves and boots- 300k
Majestic broom of witchcraft- 650k
freezing axe of conquest- 475k
Purple crown- 80k?
2 Damage +40 rings- 500k?
Revenant invig brace- 100k
Imperial sunfire ring of energy- 300k?
1000 pots 1000 idols 250 super knowledge and 50 supercombos.
80 haste, hp and energy regen lix.
300k in cash. Just to name a few. there is defenitely some riches out there!

Re: Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:55 pm
by meepol
Purple crown- 80k?
2 Damage +40 rings- 500k?
Revenant invig brace- 100k
Imperial sunfire ring of energy- 300k?
Your perception on event prices is a tad off.

Meep has
Hero ammy 200k
5 and 4 Slash bracelet
Frozen beast quiver 375k
Ancient relic staff 800k-1m
Hero gloves 150k
Imperial bear helm heat resist (not sure on price)
Purple crown
Full flint on Druid. Bout 65k together
And lots of quest armor. Lots and lots!

I think I'm poor but I spend to much cash on elixers and quest things. For example, even. Though I was helped to get full frozen. I think my wallet suffered about 400k getting there.

Also I have been scammed multiple times, *Name removed,* You will get a warning next time you name someone of a scam or anything else. -xXx- ds

Re: Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:38 pm
by Tugmiwang
I am the richest person on rosemerta without question

Re: Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:34 pm
by Saphire
Mommy is (amna)

She buys 4k plat like once a month.
Umm so do I most of the time...doesnt make me rich
i do the same

Re: Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:52 am
by DoubleDice
I thought I would just confirm my bank details. I have listed my stuff below. Picture of 10 Million gold is at the bottom.

10,300,000 Gold (10.3 Mil)
Super Knowledge Elixer x395
Super Combination Elixer x80
Heroic Haste Elixer x109
Ressurection Idol x3800
Potion of Restoration x3500
Heroic Boots of Speed x9
Heroic Gloves of Haste x8
Golden Blade of Fire x1
Golden Blade of Magic x1
Golden Helm of Intensity x2
Golden Helm of Severity x1
Goden Warmagic Helm x1
Golden Crown of Energistation x1
Royal Shield of the Mountain x1
Golden Trident of Ice x1
Dagger of Bounty x1
Golden Bodkin of Spirits x1
Golden Quiver of Rejuvination x2
Golden Quiver of Ice x2
Master's Grimoire x1
Heroic Amulet of Rejuvination x4
Revenant Bracelet of Invigoration x3
Revenant Bracelet of Revitalisation x2
Revenant Bracelet of Energisation x1
Revenant Ring of Energisation x7
Revenant Ring of Regeneration x6
Bracelet of Spirits x1
Talisman of the Earth x1
Ring of Haste x1
Freezing Axe of Triumph x1
Freezing Helm of the Veteran x1
Golden Shrink Charm x3
Golden Growth Charm x1
Silver Growth Charm x1
Sparkling Shivercowl Charm x1
Sparkling Frozen Wraith Charm x1
Jotun Charm x4
Darkfell Flamebringer Charm x2
Darkfell Pict Charm x2
Grave Wight Charm x1
Lesser Earthstone Blackthorn Necklace x1

Re: Richest player on rosemerta?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:51 am
by MagicJuice
Ahahah i got 45,568,899.101