How it used to be
#1I just want the game to be how it used to be. You know, people used to be social! And people couldn't care less about competing clans! You chose the clan you wanted to be in, and BAM! You were accepted. There where NO lvl reqs, and if there was, they were low! Like lvl 40 or 50! There was no conquest for power. Srsly! Who even cares how powerful your clan is?!? You join a clan BECAUSE YOU LIKE THE PEOPLE IN IT. not because of power! In the arena, people would peacefully wait like CIVIL human beings if someone was camping the glad! NOT KILL THEM! Before dicers, gambling was just a term we resorted to as playing poker in real life. In a casino. Where gambling is ment to be run. Hey guys! Guess what! You wanna know why im not lvl 180? Because! I like to enjoy the game! Next time someone tells me to lvl, i will literally report you in game. Thats how fed up i am. Scammers. SOOO many. I can name ten, obviously im not going to, but all these fake dicers trying to replicate the names of DoubleDicers. Guys, just get the game back to the way it was. NO ksing. And rev and awake. Stop competing. Power isnt y u join a clan. You join it because you have friends. And those of you who this Dsgrendor is a bad forum moderator, he is JUST FINE. he does his job. You may not realize this because you are so god dang rock headed to look past your nose, but he has removed pictures of awak. And rev. He will remove any picture that he deems necessary to, and he is doing his job JUST FINE. Guys, just get this game to be a little more social, and less discriminative to lower lvls. You know what people who dont like lower lvls? I have a big surprise for you. You were that lvl once. I dont care for how long, you still hit that lvl once. I bet you were happy, as i even am when i lvl up my lvl 26 warrior. You didnt just magicaly skip it either, so shut your mouths. ONE MORE. just ONE MORE person who tells me to lvl, i will report you. I will block you. I will most likely never say a word to you again. And i will talk behind your back, because quite frankly, im that type of person. Because of all these guys. I used to be friendly, but not anymore. Im friendly to people i deem worthy of friendship. If this offended anyone, im sorry. That was not my intentions. Thankyou.
Lvl 110 rogue