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Take some tips from Taranis and Epona.
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:37 am
by Feleon ... 50#p322050
Now ik these worlds arnt as strong as we are but they are on the right track. Maybe a REVENGE/ALSKAR reunion is in order, to accomplish the common goal of takin down Mordris.....and being the first to do it. Im just sayin maybe consider it leaders of each clan! Could possibly be the key to success. Think about it
Re: Take some tips from Taranis and Epona.
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:51 am
by Deezy
Alskar and Revenge will not merge or help each other. Reason is that leader of Alskar left revenge and a bunch from revenge joined there as well so i think revenge doesn't want to work with those who left em to join the other competitve clan .
Re: Take some tips from Taranis and Epona.
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:32 am
by Nimbin2
How could i join a clan that got us loose 185 boss for 2 times?
i already wasted so much plat cause of them, i already had to listen to that stupid things they say when we camping a boss, i already saw that many ppl getting bored playing this game cause many revs have that much fun to reset our bosses,catch adds, provocate us.
I alwasys try to be friendly and not to say anything if not possible, but that do not help in any way..,..
if i would have a chance to switch worlds i would already have done it.Many clans are breaking, people that where friends are starting to hate each other.
p.s.: sorry for my bad english
Re: Take some tips from Taranis and Epona.
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:22 am
by legend117
i agree with nimbin here. Ever since i started this game rosemeta has always been a competitive world and by the looks of it it seems like its going to stay competitive.
Re: Take some tips from Taranis and Epona.
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:40 am
by SpartanKing
As i have been in revenge about 8 months now im pretty experienced with how this clan works. One thing lenix, we have actually combined with what used to be loyal, that is now alskar. The day that everyone was choosing sides, i swear we doubled our active members. We got many new ppl that are now guardians which i think is kinda weird considering how long ive been in here but idc. Thing is if we are going to take down mordis, it will be by revenge and revenge only, most ppl in clan will say same thing. I have nothing against the competition between our clans, heck its been a competition since i joined and i still like it. Makes me want to work harder and do more. Thanks for the post lenix but i think we got it under control. We just got to get more full dlord, and more ppl to 190.
Re: Take some tips from Taranis and Epona.
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:18 pm
by Feleon
I understand the rivalry. Im not saying merge into one clan either, stay in your respective clans but sometimes rivals must work together to acheive a common goal.
Re: Take some tips from Taranis and Epona.
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:06 pm
by Deezy
They won't work together ever. Alskar mad at revenge for plat usage as stated, revenge wants competition and they just all don't get a long. Even friend ships have been broke cuz of rivalry clans so there's just too much dislike against each other. I like competition but I think the rivalry clan thing goes too far, I would prefer if clans did work with each other but it won't. And clan cannot force anyone to like someone, it's up to them to settle it or not so that's another reason why working together won't work.
If the common goal is Mordis than let both clans Revenge and Alskar work at their own pace, revenge has done well on it and probally be first or one of the first to kill it. Alskar seems like an small clan to be able to do it and that so cannot say when they will kill it...