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list of characters

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:12 am
by The other ranger
hey i heard there was a list of characters who sold there act and are no longer themselves
please put the link here and do not list them here as i will not see it since a certain moderator will lock it and blur the names

Did you know
Snakes r
Good for eating
Even when


Re: list of characters

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:37 am
by MadOnion
Bro why make this topic?
rather just ask ingame
oh wait i get it ...
or msg me ingame
knightOnion aka wiz lol
i might help you out on list
ehhh its too long

There you have one ...

Re: list of characters

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:46 am
by Tugmiwang
Lmao, in all honesty if they are not running around scamming accounts and scamming people who really cares. Yes, it sucks to see your friends toon in game being used by someone else but, hey if the guy paid for it he probably did your friend a favor. That is one side of it. I do not agree with it but, that is in the back of my mind.

Btw your obvious attack on dsgrendar is just ignorance as he is not the only admin or mod that passes through here so unless you know it was him that locked the topics you should probably not post this bs. Fyi luthias locked them so your post should have went
Assets and

Re: list of characters

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:02 am
by Skenkee
I believe a list of names is on the horizons website.
And about locking etc. As long as you dont break the rules nothong will happen. And you can always message a moderator if you have something to say. Just make a nice pm instead of a raging pm like some do.p
even we make mistakes sometimes or we can clarify why we did something.

Re: list of characters

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:08 am
by Tugmiwang
This list thing is a dead topic ferro has a petition about this so no point in reinventing the wheel. It would be nice if otm offered secure account trades etc. Then at least those people are not breaking tos when they buy an account and it is actually theirs after purchase I am sure it would boost game economy everyone knows each other on touch anyways.

Re: list of characters

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:54 am
by The other ranger
I would see it as a compliment as he is just doing what he signed on for

I am against the shaming rule not Dsgrendar nor any mod/admin

Anyway it would possibly be that he would do this since he is on our world and would be more likely to see it

Thanks for the one person *** check you pm

Tug the link to the website of horizons never worked for me :?

Well I see buying an acc cheating and I'm sure the game would make more money off a a lvling up to 200 instead of someone buying an acc and paying som1 else.

Anyway if anyone feels offended by my posts or anything i say online pm me

Re: list of characters

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:18 pm
by Tugmiwang
Then you could argue buying super combos and super knowlege is cheating bc you are essentially buying levels from otm. If otm cannot control the player base from buying trading accounts etc then they should embrace it and make it better for people that wanna go that route. If player sells x account bc he wants to switch servers he can then use that money buy y plat on z server. I hope that clears up what I mean. Like I said though I do not agree with it but, that just means you won't see me buying and trading accounts. I really do not care if joe blow whoever wants to buy 55 accounts as long as he is not buying out the ladies bc that directly interferes with my ingame poligamy and that is crossin the line for me.

Re: list of characters

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:24 pm
by iBenYourBro
How i get to horizons web site?

Re: list of characters

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:30 pm
by Tugmiwang ignore mine and chanos messin around on it. Also that list on horizons site is gonna be taken down bc I do not believe it is accurate and if it is does it really matter?