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Vacation from CH

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:38 pm
by Luis
Guys, I know a lot of friends have been wondering what happened with OnlineBully,
Simple, I did no quit permanently nor move to another world. I simply decided it was time to take a little break from CH and all the drama that comes with it.

It was no simple task, to break the habit of playing constantly but, started with a few hours offline, then a day, it turned into 2, 2 turned into a week, a week into a month and now about a month and a Half. I do stay current with the forums but don't comment, I asked the admin to bann my other account to prevent me from commenting. Thanks btw, it did achieve the purpose.

I saw Pini's good bye message, I'm sorry that you quit but I hope like in my case, its only a vacation, It was an honor to watch you grow as a player and I did find you at level 20 and help you here and there like my friend nimb did for me but you put in all the work. thanks for the kind words.

thanks to all my friends, clans, clanless and even those that made my days harder. It was really fun,

I did not tell anyone what I was planning nor said good bye because I wanted to see if I could actually do it, with a little help from my wife keeping me busy, the new career which has become really time consuming and let me tell you guys, finding jobs is easy once you are prepared, but finding the right area for you and your kids is a pain, I cant even count how many job offers I had to decline cuz mu wife wouldn't consider the school systems for my kids or the weather and so on...women lol

Also I've been hooked on GTA5, let alone when I started playing it online, an entire different monster imo. look me up on xbox live, taino82. if I don't know you don't bother sending the invite tho.

I still have a few items from Nimb that I need to give him back but we never log at the same time so I'll get with him in fb and coordinate, same goes to Ein, I still have your Golden Rejuv, I haven't forgotten about it and I actually use it now and then when I log into my alt, which is very fun to play because I don't get spammed by noobs 24-7 like most of us top players/ranks have to deal with.

I'm still on TS now and then to say hi and talk, you guys know who im talking to and we are family and good friends and I hope that me not playing as much doesn't change that.

When I log on, please don't be mad if I don't answer to all, but I get about a thousand whispers in a second which makes it impossible to do. I guess that not playing made me a novelty even for those that hate me, still stop and say hi, lol. I try to log and answer to most but its hard, but I do miss everyone.

Good luck on killing Mordris (now on a regular basis), maybe one day everyone can be united and stop all the madness and drama, i'll be back to play by then most def. either that or when world transfers come in place.

I wont list names, nor say good bye nor blah blah blah, I enjoyed the game and will be back at some point, meanwhile I still need to get a few more buildings and cars in GTA5 online lol.

take care,



Re: Vacation from CH

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:58 pm
by Skenkee
Good to hear something from you Ob! I'm happy you are having a good time besides ch.


Re: Vacation from CH

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:24 pm
by PartyNinja
i be on dat GTA online :) :)

Re: Vacation from CH

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:56 pm
by Jailbait
Im glad everything going good for u bro, miss u tons, ur always gonna be an older brother to me:) u wont be forgotten and i hope one day we will meet again:)

Re: Vacation from CH

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:05 pm
by chanojuano
carnal un abrazo yo tmb he estado jugando mucho a la xbox poco al ch, solo se puede andar 100 veces x los mismos lugares y no aburrirse siempre es bueno moverse a cosas mejores pero se te extrania, hechale ganas y lo principal disfrutar de los plebes y la familia suerte en la nueva chamba, hechale ganas y cualquier cosa ahi estamos.

Re: Vacation from CH

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:02 pm
by Kevs
I had good times in this game and the good times was in Ronin strong built clan.. Cya around ob
Loved my time there and always remeber it. Kudos to u man +1