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lost treasures

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:41 pm
by Luis
I was talking the other day with my good friend Levy and the topic came up of all the players I know who were super geared who simply quit one day without selling their stuff, just said taking a break and vanished. Anyone ever wonders how many lost treasures are in those banks? Might need to make a post on craigslist LOL "looking for celtic heroes items" lol

Re: lost treasures

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:01 pm
by PartyNinja
rad sets, millions in gold, several lux items.

Re: lost treasures

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:08 pm
by Xanadu
I was talking the other day with my good friend Levy and the topic came up of all the players I know who were super geared who simply quit one day without selling their stuff, just said taking a break and vanished. Anyone ever wonders how many lost treasures are in those banks? Might need to make a post on craigslist LOL "looking for celtic heroes items" lol
"Missed connections" section...for a radiant earthstone bp...

I saw you on the beach as I landed. I was brand noob. You were twinkling in stunning green earthstone. You were with another guy who had been around for a while, but I knew you would be mine one day. Your man has left, but your radiance is what my heart needs to protect it. I'm here when you show up again.


Re: lost treasures

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:34 pm
by Levyy
Yes all the old players who have retired must have lots of old insane items that are purely at waste
Help a man out

Re: lost treasures

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:21 pm
by PartyNinja
Yes all the old players who have retired must have lots of old insane items that are purely at waste
Help a man out
help a brotha out*

Re: lost treasures

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:06 am
by Skenkee
My eye still searches for pre plate. Never should have sold my pieces.. :(

Re: lost treasures

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:32 pm
by rouge1235
My eye still searches for pre plate. Never should have sold my pieces.. :(
A few days ago on Taranis I saw a ranger in high road and no class plate... Brought tears to my eye