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Scammed... Out Millions

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:48 am
by TheArgan
As some may know *Removed* has turned on us, and he was the owner of I didn't know this so I decided to sell all my lux items and items for $500 in store credit to their site. Recently *Removed* had scammed WykD out 4.6mil in items and he quit. So I'm not getting my in store credit. These are the items I lost:
-Spectral Talisman of Midnight
-23 Super Combo Elixers
-Heroic Ring of Haste
-Helm of the Veteran
-Ring of Spirits
-Ring of Life
-Bracelet of Life
-Bracelet of Spirits
-30% Sled
-Talisman of Stars

Now, I know you guys at OTM probably won't refund this... But, if you can please do. I have beena aggressive at my friends because of this and not a nice person in general. I thought I was getting a good deal, so I took it. For those wondering, I am basically 'quitting' but I will hop on just to say 'hi'. I have played this game since December 2011 and all my hard work, down the drain. Anyways, Cya out there.

P.S: I'd like to thank Ein, Emma, Dare2hityou, DeathTheKid, and friends for helping me push through this. You guys really know how to cheer a guy up.

Re: Scammed... Out Millions

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:50 am
by TheArgan
I realize I will probably be told I am 'shaming' but... Why would you do that? The player made a wrong choice to scam and you decide to let him continue by deleting his name.

Re: Scammed... Out Millions

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:13 am
by Ezekiell
okay first off all im sorry for all the ppl who got scammed, but its totally your own fault. i diced with doubledice and i always got the gold when i won, but his scamming shows: never give your items away. in my while ch life i only gave stuff to 2 ppl and i always got the stuff back, but i would never trust a dicer.

Re: Scammed... Out Millions

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:36 am
by Levyy
Eze lent me his 80/50 staff
Called trust

Re: Scammed... Out Millions

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:22 pm
by mookiejoe
very sorry for your loss and the losses of others who delt with him.

just another example of why you should never loan items out or deal with these online stores...there was actually one guy who I did business with who never stole from me, but you never know, and the key is to not risk more than you're willing to lose

I've lent items in the past, but only to people i generally trust (and are established in the game) and only items I could afford to lose if the person scammed me

Re: Scammed... Out Millions

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:28 pm
by CommunityBot
This is being looked into.