DoubleDice's Response
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:52 pm
Hello to all players of Rosmerta, yes this is the real DoubleDice leaving you this message. As many of you know, I have not been an active player within the last 3 months due to many reasons. Unfortunately during this time I have trusted others with information and items. I cannot, and will not, give out any names because that is unlike me. Unfortunately there has been several misunderstandings related to some of the events that have taken place over the last week.
To begin, I am not part I was offered a partnership directly from them. I would advertise their name, they would advertise mine. I did not perceive that it would create so many issues. All of the hosts in the DoubleDice clan agreed that it would be beneficial to us to get our name out there, especially because we have plans to expand to other worlds. Unfortunately we got taken advantage of with the advertising, but the site also suffered greatly due to impersonators making false offers to purchase items from players.
Second, the player who was scammed out of 4.6mil deserves to know the truth. As you all know, I began dicing from the beginning. I was a low level, I made some money from betting, then was scammed a large portion of it by a dishonest host. That is why I created DoubleDice, an honest person to dice with that they would never have to worry about trust issues. You were all witnesses to the fact that I've always been an honest dicer, as almost everyone who reads this has personally tested me. When I became inactive I made the mistake of sharing accounts details, yes I know this is against the rules, but everybody does it anyways and its harmless if you trust the individuals you are sharing with. The person I trusted I have known since I started playing, I never would have suspected that something like this would happen. This last few weeks have been extremely busy and I have logged in here and there. When I logged in yesterday I was met with an array of hateful messages, unsure of why. I discussed with these players to find that the source of all of it was directly from DoubleDice. I was sent screenshots, and yes they were of DoubleDice. I am not denying anything. But, i was astounded that I had put my trust in the wrong person. I too, am left with nothing.
At this point, many of you are probably questioning the validity of my statements made above. I challenge you to think about the many months that you've witnessed my reputation and actions within the community. Does it seem like the real DoubleDice would do this? I am just as surprised as you readers, and I am still trying to come up with a solution to these problems in order to restore my reputation. Most people would tell me to quit, but I am not a quitter, and I am not a liar. I am a player with goals, with dreams, and I must continue to set my path toward what I have aspired most. I will continue through the hate I have received, though it will be a difficult journey, I an always up for a challenge.
Think about the kind of person I've been, and the personal relations that we've had. Choose to hate me if you like, or support me if it feels right, but regardless of how you think, DoubleDice will continue, forever honest, forever strong.
To begin, I am not part I was offered a partnership directly from them. I would advertise their name, they would advertise mine. I did not perceive that it would create so many issues. All of the hosts in the DoubleDice clan agreed that it would be beneficial to us to get our name out there, especially because we have plans to expand to other worlds. Unfortunately we got taken advantage of with the advertising, but the site also suffered greatly due to impersonators making false offers to purchase items from players.
Second, the player who was scammed out of 4.6mil deserves to know the truth. As you all know, I began dicing from the beginning. I was a low level, I made some money from betting, then was scammed a large portion of it by a dishonest host. That is why I created DoubleDice, an honest person to dice with that they would never have to worry about trust issues. You were all witnesses to the fact that I've always been an honest dicer, as almost everyone who reads this has personally tested me. When I became inactive I made the mistake of sharing accounts details, yes I know this is against the rules, but everybody does it anyways and its harmless if you trust the individuals you are sharing with. The person I trusted I have known since I started playing, I never would have suspected that something like this would happen. This last few weeks have been extremely busy and I have logged in here and there. When I logged in yesterday I was met with an array of hateful messages, unsure of why. I discussed with these players to find that the source of all of it was directly from DoubleDice. I was sent screenshots, and yes they were of DoubleDice. I am not denying anything. But, i was astounded that I had put my trust in the wrong person. I too, am left with nothing.
At this point, many of you are probably questioning the validity of my statements made above. I challenge you to think about the many months that you've witnessed my reputation and actions within the community. Does it seem like the real DoubleDice would do this? I am just as surprised as you readers, and I am still trying to come up with a solution to these problems in order to restore my reputation. Most people would tell me to quit, but I am not a quitter, and I am not a liar. I am a player with goals, with dreams, and I must continue to set my path toward what I have aspired most. I will continue through the hate I have received, though it will be a difficult journey, I an always up for a challenge.
Think about the kind of person I've been, and the personal relations that we've had. Choose to hate me if you like, or support me if it feels right, but regardless of how you think, DoubleDice will continue, forever honest, forever strong.