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Needing help

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:25 pm
by Zeir
I chose this server because it first poped up, but i am still curious to which is this best. Still trying to decide on a class but that rogues look cool. Can anyone tell me what the highest level is, is it hard to level, is this a pricey game, where is it friendly, what is the best class, who is the best in the game if there is anyone, i have tried to level but have failed.... Hitting a dummy has got me no where. If anything some please help me find my way around (zeir) i hade rides in my old game that i played (cabal)-check it out its a great game- level 188 on it if anyone plays it tell me however you can i dont know if there is messaging on here , just talk to me on celtic heroes.Are there clans? And is this game worth blowing money on. If anyone can help i will appreciate it. I know this all sounds noobie and i may have wrote something twice lol. I dont know if anyone had time to help but my name is Dorsey nice to meet celtic heroes. I have many more questions if i can get some help, a whole lot lol. But thank you for reading this if you do, and thanks to whom helps.

Re: Needing help

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:34 pm
by HelpingGangsta
Hey never go on this server and say aye or wear my fashion act like me and not fly on brooms

Re: Needing help

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:44 pm
by Levyy
This game is quietly addictive.
Imo it's worth puting money into although I don't, money makes it easier and a much quicker process.
Clans are good an there are lots of helpful people out there, I'm sure as you play these people open up infront of you and you find more and more who will help you throughout.

It is a pvp based game as one aspect is the arena. It's all fun and games really.

I may have to try this game you mentioned! Sounds good.

Pm me ingame by mail.

Re: Needing help

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:48 am
by Zeir
Thanks both of you, and will do levyy. You really should try out the game. Its a pc btw (free) just needs to be downloaded. Atleast check it out, and thanks again.