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Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:09 am
by Zeir
From what i hear, shadowstrike was sold for 25-30k. Just curious to why i was told this much (80k). Telling me to go away seemed a little shaffty, drawing a newb in and upping the price. Specially on new comers... From Kahrlguud, and greetings to you :) i forgive you for your disrespect :P oh and also a thanks to red66 for his help. With my celtic heroes first day coming to a close, i am level 37 i believe and the game is still to come, also still looking to buy shadowstrike.

Re: Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:15 am
by Xanadu
I've seen it anywhere from 45k to 125k. Kahrl wasnt unreasonable. If you don't like his price look elsewhere. Shaming on boards about prices is not the way to handle it.

Re: Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:54 am
by Zeir
Is it really up to 125, well im that case i agree. If that so, why was i taunted and turned down?

Re: Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:55 am
by Zeir
I apologize Kahrlguud, wasnt aware of that price. Was just informed on 25-30k. But i also ask and wonder why i was turned away. If i asked to hastily, i apologize again. And thanks xan.

Re: Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:58 am
by Luis
I can say, i have sold it before for 80k, 25k is mostky seeing among clannies or friends. Your case is neither of these. I have personally farmed am entire day, and i mean 8 hours and not find one, so for a noob to come blasting one of my friends because he is selling for 80k tells me that anytime you want to buy something and im the one to have it i will multiply its price by 10 to make a deal with u.

In fact i believe that kahrl has given me more than a few tomes for free when i needed.

Also a noob using forums, looking for prices and taking ss of a convo, maybe u arent entirely who u say u are but thats another topic.

If you want to succeed in this world, maybe u need to change ur approach.

Re: Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:59 am
by Luis
I already dont like you. If you want a skill go farm for it like we all did. From where i stand, u smell like a scammer.

Re: Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:21 am
by Zeir
A scammer, im not a scammer. And if i can be informed with the skill spawn i will do so. There will always be people who dont like someone. Im fine with that, im still learning the game and have a long long long way to go. Im almost sure i will never hit 200 anyways lol. That is one thing i never asked though ( where can this tome be found ).

Re: Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:27 am
by Zeir
And also i used this because i didnt know who to approach in the game, and i had a great player named levyy, well atleast high still learning players ( and yes i an a noob lol ) with others experience maybe i can take the big steps that everyone is taking. Talked list from my start ( red66, levyy, tooslow, onlinebully, Kahrlguud, im sure there are others... Memory isnt to great ). But thanks Luis for that. In my old game we didnt use forums like this but this Seems like a good meeting sever right here. I sure without all the help i would still be level 1. Still haven't got around to get those sks and scs that levyy insisted on me using.

Re: Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:22 am
by Xanadu
A scammer, im not a scammer. And if i can be informed with the skill spawn i will do so. There will always be people who dont like someone. Im fine with that, im still learning the game and have a long long long way to go. Im almost sure i will never hit 200 anyways lol. That is one thing i never asked though ( where can this tome be found ).
The sewers. But good luck getting it to drop. There's a reason the price is so high.

Re: Well i have found one player

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:27 am
by Xanadu
I can say, i have sold it before for 80k, 25k is mostky seeing among clannies or friends. Your case is neither of these. I have personally farmed am entire day, and i mean 8 hours and not find one...

If you want to succeed in this world, maybe u need to change ur approach.
As to Luis's former point, I agree. I have farmed more than of Hawkhurst chests and I have had one SS tome drop (bad luck I guess...).

As to Luis's latter point, Zeir, I would take that one to heart if I were you. Asking questions is one thing and people are more than happy to help. Making accusations, particularly on the forums, will put you on a lot of people's **** list quickly. I know you're learning, but that's a good lesson to figure out quickly: Read more, post wisely.