Hello Peoples,
I realize it wasn't very fair of me to quit the game without saying goodbye to my old buddies. I was hoping to avoid all the fussy wussy hoopla. Even though I'm a large type Assman, I should of said buh bye.
Good luck to you all with defeating your furryburgers, boggans, dragons, and pink elephants. Wait, no one else sees the pink elephants...damn it lol.
Yes, I know I've done this whole quitting stuff before, but it's my time and I'm pretty certain the gig is up. Woot!
Bye guys have fun.
Real Goodbye :)
Tarzanny - Ranger Lvl 194+
Chief of clan Epsilon
Snoofkinlagen - Druid Lvl 165+
Darkhorse - Rogue Lvl 220+
Tarzanny - Ranger Lvl 194+
Chief of clan Epsilon
Snoofkinlagen - Druid Lvl 165+
Darkhorse - Rogue Lvl 220+