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New Update Ideas! (Admin plz read)

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:26 am
by Demonicfreeze11
The game is getting kinda boring bcause otm hasnt been adding in new things. I hav an idea. So i think i mensioned it before but it was complicated. So my new idea is similar to the last one i thought of. So u enter into an area, u cannot use groups, lixs, pots, or idols inside this place. U start by killing a lvl 1, one star enemy, then lvl 2, one star, lvl 3, one star etc... Every 10 lvls u verse a 1 star enemy but it is more powerful then before. After each lvl u automatically heal and u go to the next stage. After beating this through to lvl 150, it upgrades. U restart the whole proccess but they are now two star enemies. Beat ut again three star then four star etc... U can exit out of the area and have a save point, u die its over, u must restart. And the enemies drop loot and stuff like that. I will mail the admin on my acc (which no one knows) and i will ask u to meet me somewere ingame and i will tell u more details. If u like this idea please post on the forumn and i will mail u admin right now.

Re: New Update Ideas! (Admin plz read)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:50 am
by Dr.Z
post this to gen. descusion