That's right folks, once again it's that time of year to collect some chickens!!! If you find yourself travelling through lirs without hearing the familiar Bwuk sound of a frightened fowl don't be alarmed, they will return. Oh yes, these prized feathered animals will be sought after for the next week. If you see an honorable member of Panthera bending over to pluck a chicken, please do not make fun of them. They very well could end up being the next cockmaster!! Woot!
Some new game content would be nice
Cockapalooza 2014! Woot!
Tarzanny - Ranger Lvl 194+
Chief of clan Epsilon
Snoofkinlagen - Druid Lvl 165+
Darkhorse - Rogue Lvl 220+
Tarzanny - Ranger Lvl 194+
Chief of clan Epsilon
Snoofkinlagen - Druid Lvl 165+
Darkhorse - Rogue Lvl 220+