by Taalia
We’d like to respond to Lid’s post above.
The reasons for opposition to the leadership within Mythology, and the formation of Clan Forever, are many and varied and shouldn’t be discussed here – I don’t believe Lid wants a public argument and neither do we. But there are a number of specific accusations made above that require a response from Clan Forever.
To answer the accusation of stealing: When some in Myth decided to leave and follow the dissenters who were kicked, they left knowing their dkp would be wiped. That dkp represents gear earned, but not claimed. Bosses downed, drops delivered to Myth banks, and not used for gearing. It is absolutely right that Myth leadership wiped those points when we left. But it is not right to say the gear we were wearing when we were kicked or resigned was stolen. It was earned, and bid for, while we were still in Myth. And while we were in Myth we obeyed Myth rules and did so until the moment we left. We continued to pass drops to the Myth banks. Those drops will now go to those staying in Myth. And those who left were not all new joiners, freshly geared. Many had been working to fill Myth banks, and help gear other Myth people, for years. As Lid states, Myth does not require those who leave to return their gear, and no other leaver in the past has been required to do so.
Lid's second post above refers to an unfortunate dispute between two players. This was not a clan Forever action, and was not endorsed by the clan as a whole. Hopefully some amends have been made in that specific case to the injured parties. We accept there have been other incidents of less than ideal behaviour on both sides.
Two nights ago clan Forever took Necro, despite concerted efforts by one of the Myth leaders to grief the attempt. This was not a lock battle. Myth had made their own attempt, and we did not interfere. After Myth left, we gathered and made our attempt, only to face concerted griefing. This Myth leader dragged ghosts to Necro and Necro onto the ghost team with the intention of spoiling our raid. We downed Necro anyway, after holding it on rage for more than 45 minutes.
Can I please ask for calm on both sides? Almost all players in both clans just want to play CH. And there are many friendships between players across Mythology and Forever.
Can I appeal to Myth leaders not to escalate the struggle? After our successful raid, clan Forever collectively decided there would be no retaliation to the griefing by Myth.
The leaders of Forever will commit to doing nothing underhand, to play fairly, and not to respond to the in-game griefing and verbal abuse we've received.
In terms of server activity on Rosmerta, raiding has picked up! Bosses that had been left standing for weeks before the split are now being fiercely battled over by Myth and Forever. And in most cases with good humour! Some Forever players joined Myth to finish an EDL boss, just for fun. Let’s keep that spirit going and get those bosses down in an atmosphere of friendly competition, and hopefully cooperation too.
(on behalf of) Clan Forever Leadership