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Re: Question About Taranis

There are 3 dominant clans with no wars between them all, Pride, theILLUMINATI and ThePillars.

Pride has a level req of 120, 150 for ThePillars and I'm not sure for Illum so I cannot say. Each clan are friendly and willing to group others. All of em being able to kill aggy and the new DL bosses. AnteBellum is another clan that's currently small but may be able to join the aggy rotation soon.

Each clan that's able to take aggy has its own week of when he spawns, 3 clans in it atm soon may be 4
181 Druid
166 Rouge

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"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet"
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Re: Question About Taranis

Illum has a lvl requirement of 130 (however it's not strictly enforced... some people get in at much lower levels)

ATM the Aggy rotation (each week aggy is claimed by a different clan) consists of Illum, Pride, and thePillars. But I think Ante will be added to that list soon.
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

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Re: Question About Taranis

Hey, i am getting very tired of joining a clan after getting spam asked to just to find it fall weeks later, so my question is, should i wait for pride? Or join Ante? Statistics are much appreciated. :)
That's a loaded set of questions. How about you decide what clan will best suit your style of gaming and aim for it.
Root Druid LvL 99+

Favorite Offhand - (Essence Blade)
Favorite Ring - (Royal Root)
Favorite Fashion - (Black Sparkle)

Re: Question About Taranis

An update to godzilla's post, AnteBellum is another top clan who just killed agg for the first time yesterday so there are 4 top clans in Taranis now :D
This is completely debatable. First off, antebellum has started to fall and lose a lot of stronger members lately. Next, antebellum as a whole clan didnt kill aggy. Only 4-5 people from antebellum were there to kill aggy. The rest were from a variety of clans

Re: Question About Taranis

Hey, i am getting very tired of joining a clan after getting spam asked to just to find it fall weeks later, so my question is, should i wait for pride? Or join Ante? Statistics are much appreciated. :)
That's a loaded set of questions. How about you decide what clan will best suit your style of gaming and aim for it.
Well ty, but thats my point, i don't know a lot about neither, like, who could help me the most at my level, who will treat me as an actual member instead of leaving me out alot, (to simplify it, who would value me the most!) ...im still debating

Re: Question About Taranis

An update to godzilla's post, AnteBellum is another top clan who just killed agg for the first time yesterday so there are 4 top clans in Taranis now :D
This is completely debatable. First off, antebellum has started to fall and lose a lot of stronger members lately. Next, antebellum as a whole clan didnt kill aggy. Only 4-5 people from antebellum were there to kill aggy. The rest were from a variety of clans

try knowing hwat you talk of before posting. Ante DID kill aggy solo clan before some idiots decided to ruin our second try by inviting half the world instead of waiting for leadership to login and organize a second kill.
Kimloc -142 druid
Locke - 220+ rogue
Persephone - 187 ranger
ShawShanked - 144 rogue
Machiavelli - 160 warrior
Fiddler - 95 ranger
Tattersail - 110 mage
Goethe - 83 druid
Chaucer - 4 mage

Taranis server, Member of Pride

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