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A Quick Overview/Explanation of Five Server Rules.

For those not in an endgame clan on Taranis or reading from other servers, recent threads here may have appeared a bit odd. Below is a basic overview of the server rules that were discussed in other threads.

1. The Clan Property rules are done by the individual clan, not as a server, and I believe one of the clans in the Aggy rotation (Nexus) does not have such property rules. I am glad we have the rule in Aeon - the whole clan contributes to the boss, and the whole clan gains. Being able to recycle gear from those who leave keeps good and otherwise lost items in use, and lessens the impact of a single member leaving. As I stated in another thread, the clan property rule also stabilizes clans - since the rule was established we have maintained the same endgame clans (barring merges) since 2013. It is a misconception that keeping raid gear after leaving a clan gets you blacklisted. It does not.. You will just have difficulty joining another endgame clan until you return the gear or are permitted to keep the gear by the clan it came from. Clans are unable to enter rotations if one of their members has stolen raid gear, so while some rebel clans may be accepting, most (the big three) will turn you down.

2. Blacklisting. I don't believe this was described very well. In short, Blacklisting is the ultimate form of capital punishment Taranis can bestow, and consists of an extreme social ostrasization where the blacklisted can not join an endgame clan or participate in DL/EDL boss kills. Condemning someone to that status rarely occurs: only 2-4 people have ever been blacklisted over the years in which this punishment has been in place. It is not easily awarded, acting more as a deterrent than a punishment thrown around.

3. Camp Groups. The endgame clans on Taranis do their best to maintain order and prevent chaos, so we created a camping system for DL and EDL. With the exception of Snorri (FFA), DL and EDL run on a "first eight" system where the first eight toons camping at a boss before it spawns are in the kill group. If a single clan is present, they can claim the spawn for their clan as long as they remain present. For EDL, to ensure fairness in mixed groups, we require clans to prove themselves to be able to join camp groups. If a clan thinks they are able, they can schedule to attempt a 6* EDL boss with just their clan, and if they succeed all their members will be able to camp it and make clan claims. The procedure mitigates this situation: 4 campers from clan Mythology and 4 Campers from clan whykickamoocow are at 210 6* when it spawns. Mythology brings 10 people to help offgroup, and whykickamoocow brings 1. In total, Mythology contributes 14 people to the kill, and whykickamoocow contributes 5, yet both clans have a 50% chance at the drops. With the requirement of both clans being able to solokill the boss, we can expect that both will be able to contribute around the same to mixed kills, without the burden and loss resting on a single clan while a lesser clan joyrides and gains from it. DL is more lax, without kill requirements and allowing independents to be able to camp and join clan kills if permitted by the killing clan. However, despite this the sale of EDL or DL drops is prohibited, as it detracts from the purpose of the clan's point systems - why camp to better the clan if you can buy your armor?

4. Boss Rotations. Following along the chaos-minimizing theme of Camp Groups, boss rotations mitigate the oppressive and rebellious clans seen on many servers by allowing all qualified clans to file for rotation, where they will be given a date to attempt the boss. If the clan succeeds in killing, they will be granted a spot in the rotation . This system limits the dominance of the top clans and encourages the growth of smaller clans. Many servers have 1-2 clans that fight for lock, with the others' options being to join one of the top or never kill.. This allows any clan access to endgame raid drops if they have the people to do so, without fear of being ksed or forced to stop. You may call it boring, but it places the focus of the game on the community, diplomacy, and the social aspect of clans moreso than "might is right".

5. Illegal activities. Yes, a few activities are considered illegal and can lead to blacklisting after substantial warnings and habitual violations. One is the sale of DL drops. Independents are allowed to camp and swap drops (one independent geared himself and his girlfriend with full DL + weapon in only a few months), however monetary sale is forbidden for the reason stated in 3. Despite this, I am sure some black market deals occur. Another violation is the intentional and repeated disruption of raid bosses. So.. Bringing over spirits to necro repeatedly despite repeated warnings and explanations of what that action does, or calming the tank despite warnings, or bringing adds. Intentional and repeated disruption of raid bosses has been the most common ground for blacklisting. We understand that people not in endgame clans are unfamiliar with the rules and proceedings, so there is a lot of leeway and warning and reminders beforehand.

I hope this clears things up a bit.
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: A Quick Overview/Explanation of Five Server Rules.

If there really was a huge dictatorship and gens gearing their toons unfairly. Then there would have been change a looong time ago. Not many people stand for a server without rules. People would be ksing left and right, people would be hopping clans all the time. If drops could be sold, someone who buys tons of plat would just buy everything easily. It would be possible to have 8 crowns on server at the same time however each one on a different person which would make it difficult to complete Quest armour. Player A could spend 2 weeks killing an event boss like skain whereas player B could show up for one skain, receive a blood ammy, leave clan and sell ammy to rival clan and become a millionaire all the while the clan A wonders why they wasted their time killing Skain. Player A could then join clan B or stay clan less and still group his friends from either clan. A multitude of scenarios could take place with this free for all server. And ultimately taranis would become a server where only plat buyers thrive or just the lucky players. Also without any form rules bullying and scamming would be prevalent, there would be no punishments. The result would ultimately alter taranis's massive player base. Also heard mention of people leaving taranis because of this "dictatorship", well then why is Taranis still one of the most populous servers ?

Re: A Quick Overview/Explanation of Five Server Rules.

Taranis Sucks, New players do not go there. Find yourself somewhere better lmao. Somewhere fun with lock battles :) yawn. Save yourselves!!!
This flipside is - if you are not looking for lock battles and prefer a server that is run through order as opposed to "might is right", Taranis is the place to be!
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: A Quick Overview/Explanation of Five Server Rules.

Taranis Sucks, New players do not go there. Find yourself somewhere better lmao. Somewhere fun with lock battles :) yawn. Save yourselves!!!
We do have FFA battles lol, were you not there during Beltane ? Especially when the spawn time was decreased to 1:30 FFA. It would be pretty lame to make hrung more and necro FFA. those bosses have huge Windows 24-48 hours. Snorri is FFA (the only DL boss that is really needed) so all that leaves is the edl bosses. It would be pretty difficult to have lock battles over edl 6s seeing that both clans have to schedule kills meaning it is very unlikely both clans would have enough people on at same time to even take the boss down. Which really only leaves 5s.

Re: A Quick Overview/Explanation of Five Server Rules.

XD Lols all servers should bow down Taranis?? Wow you're so ignorant! That'll be the day any server bows down to another server!! FUNNY XD HA!! lol people these days. There's so many better servers if anything Taranis should take some notes, and learn from other servers! Clearly it's not doing better since my mailbox has been full of people agreeing with me and asking me where they should move. People saying Taranis isn't very user friendly!! Haha!! Lol like what i get 5 hate comments and then like 30 messages telling me right on, and asking me advice on where they should move!!' Hahahaha! Toooo funny toooo funny!
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