Hey fellow Gwydioneer! Glad to see another one of you guys here (I moved here from Gwydion to.... Remember Terrodus??)
Taranis is probably the BEST world in Celtic Heroes. Lots of boss fights, great people, lots of nice ones to, and FREE FRAGS (Select Clans only). I also chose druid, and believe me, it is the best class. Druids are probably the least popular class here, so unpopular that i was bossing Stonefang at lvl 30
Anyways... I highly reccomend that you stick to druid, and read my guide on the druid section (Regenleif's Guide to Being an Awesome Druid). It will help you immensely, just remember to bring popcorn.
Some basic information about Taranis (Might be a little Outdated):
(Just being honest, no offense to anyone who I did not name)
Major Clans: Versus (Solitaire equivelent), theILLUMINATI (TheOne equivelent), RaveArmy (BloodGrove equivelent), TheFallen (Elite equivelent)
Major Players: Immortalius- Warrior (Basically Trojan4Ever), Morphmarfa- Druid (Basically SashaHealerz), Vedranox- Rouge (Gaby exceot a boy), Augustina- Warrior (Been here since start), PINDAR- Rouge (EPIC DPS)
KSers: Rave1 (Sometimes), NeoDarkness (Sometimes), Fuego1 (Maybe... Passed his lvl about 1 mnth ago)
Ok, thats the jist of things. Have fun, and if you ever need a heal/buff or a cloak, just ask me (Regenleif). Even when it gets hard, dont give up lvling your druid.
Happy Healing