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Wow just wow

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:52 pm
by Fletch
(im quoting this from the public glass board just wanted people who dont use it to see the junk (putting it politley) thats been posted. i think i have removed all names please say if i havnt)
Yes (name removed), I am happy. (name removed) is way over my dream gold price per plat. This is a jovial day because I thought he was serious about keeping the market price at 250g per plat. I realize now he was just upset with me because I refused to buy 44 of his chests at 45k each. He told me I could make a 5k profit on each one, wasn't that nice of him. However, I reminded him that I was finished opening the 400+ chests that I bought, and having sold a few for a higher price than normal because that is the price one must pay for an item I would have rather opened myself, I didn't need to make any more money.

For over a half hour he begged me, dropping the price each time, finally annoying me enough to the point of realization... (name removed) doesn't have it in him to carry through with our plan. Shortly after I removed him from the room, bringing us to his retaliation post.

But this, 600 to 750g per plat. While it doesn't beat my 1250g per plat, it is well over our intended 500g mark. It restores my faith that there may still be hope for (name removed) yet. So, while I was a little down this weekend having to run damage control, I see now it was not all for nothing. He is on track all by himself, flying solo, implementing the plan with no coercion. I'm so proud. These are exciting times here on Taranis. Can't wait to see what happens next.

..... (Me speaking now) I never knew someone could be so proud of making everything expensive, im very appalled by this show of behaviour making the gap between plat buyers and non plat buyers even bigger and being proud that they make life just that much harder for everyone except them

Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:01 pm
by CH45E
I know exactly who this is directed toward, and that individual needs to learn he is a very selfish person and needs to change

Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:25 pm
by Godzilla
I know exactly who this is directed toward, and that individual needs to learn he is a very selfish person and needs to change
99.99% know who he is

That .01% is that person too arrogant to see who actually wrote that. This person is also very infamous on our calm druid forums. Becoming the "OTM Pet" and making everyone else look like a piece of sh*t with his negative comments towards other people thinking he knows everything.

Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:42 pm
by CH45E
I know exactly who this is directed toward, and that individual needs to learn he is a very selfish person and needs to change
99.99% know who he is

That .01% is that person too arrogant to see who actually wrote that. This person is also very infamous on our calm druid forums. Becoming the "OTM Pet" and making everyone else look like a piece of sh*t with his negative comments towards other people thinking he knows everything.
Couldnt agree more

Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:36 am
by xzc561zx
Im with zilla :D theres always a couple of people that overprice plat but not always they overprice plat other things too

Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:13 pm
by I D34D PL0X
Whats all this glass board stuff 0.0 quite interested to see what goes on behind the scenes here on Taranis.


Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:44 pm
by fr3gryf
Godz got the code:)

Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:36 pm
by Fletch
Lol it's not even behind the scenes it's totaly public

Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:13 pm
by Demonslayer10
*cough*....i dont know who it is :D

Re: Wow just wow

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:34 pm
by elvra
well that is because plat buyers are better than non plat buyers, obviously