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Watch out for Phonies!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:45 am
by Regenleif

There have been a very large amount of people using different letters to fake people's names (like RegenIeif and Regenleif. One has a capital i, the other a lowercase L). Please be VERY wary about lending out items, and make sure to look at the player's level before you accept the trade. Common ways to fake names are:
- using a capital i to represent a L (most common)
- using a zero (0) to fake a capitol o (O)
- using a 1 to represent a capital i or lowercase L
- changing the end letters of a name so it looks similar (like THOMAS1997 instead of THOMAS1998)

I wish you all the best of luck, and DON'T GET SCAMMED!

Re: Watch out for Phonies!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:30 am
by Godzilla
*Name Removed* is said to be these fake accounts who scammed Kringa of 30/80 staff and 1m halloween ammy.

Dingo has screenshots so we know it is them.

Re: Watch out for Phonies!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:02 am
by Regenleif
If any sort of game administrator is reading this, PLEASE block the ip address of *Removed* device. It would save your support team, and the players of Taranis, much despair and work

Re: Watch out for Phonies!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:20 pm
by XbloodpoolX
*Removed* already scammed a few friends and bunch random people. He ask me for my logins over 20 times. He friends u thenbwaits a long while then pretends by our best friends. Then said he uses a plat hack. Then ask u to mail him something he will prove his hack works. Then it went to let me login your account I can show u how much plat I can get you using his sweet hack. Then ohh are you logging let me use your Acc logins I'll us it ony other iPad and power lvl us. . me the whole time. No. No. No. Not interested. Don't ask ever again. No I'm deltinhvubas a friend and warning anyone I can. Today a good friend lost all his gear

Re: Watch out for Phonies!

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:49 pm
by rouge1235
But.. why would you scam Ad? ): He is so nice,,, (or he was, don't know if he still is)

Re: Watch out for Phonies!

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:10 am
by Regenleif
But.. why would you scam Ad? ): He is so nice,,, (or he was, don't know if he still is)
Ad is still super nice, there is no reason why you would scam him...

Re: Watch out for Phonies!

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:32 am
by CommunityBot
If you wish to report someone please do so using the in-game support tool; do not report players via the forums.