I find it necessary to point out logical contradictions and falsehoods in Bene's public propaganda -- I do respect Chromis and the progression of Benevolence since its founding, however inaccuracies convey shifted ideals and widespread belief in the consequence of conclusions from false premises.
[Benevolence is] the most active, powerful, and largest clan on Taranis.
I trust the reader's familiarity with ingame rankings and their misalignment with endgame strength: "Most Active" and "Largest" mean little when members are underleveled and incapable of killing bosses above Necro; "Most Powerful" is calculated without endgame attention, in which Bene - the kings of low level raid bosses - do indeed reign.
it was the actions and behavior of the so called "union" clans leadership that ultimately ensured [their downfall].
This pressumption is expected from those not involved within Union's interclan affairs and leadership boards. Union is a very real alliance between four clans: Aeon, Pride, Paradogz, and Nirvana, serverwide participation in which allows for a unified and fair server code, opposed to the "might is right" doctrine Bene promotes.
Bene was actually invited to Union, for months prior their leaders clamored for acceptance despite harboring stolen raid gear (the reason their requests were denied), however when clan property extradition was abolished - for reasons Bene falsely believe are a result of their presence - their leaders rejected Union and changed the clan's overarching mission. Bene's growth attributes to broken promises and misinformation far more than the failure of Union generals to manage their respective clans.
Pride, Aeon, PD, and a smaller clan Nirvana have tried unsuccessfully to control the everyday players of Taranis for a period of years
Completely false -- Pride and Aeon are dominant clans that have indeed "successfully controlled the everyday players of Taranis" since the advent of the Otherworld in 2012. Under inclusive and constructive leadership that grant clans equal rights to earn raid and quest drops without fear of being physically overwhelmed by a more dominant clan, since 2012 Taranis consistently retained significantly higher rates of endgame player activity, averaging around 40%-50% higher than the mean server.
People like being able to level, boss, make friends, and enjoy the game instead of fighting constantly, being able to strategize and vanquish bosses instead of lock battling. We find a direct inverse correlation between Bene's (and the rebel clans before them -- most led by the same primary leader) strength and the overall server's endgame activity. If Bene does accomplish the latest development of their overarching plan, their members may be disappointed to see activity too low to kill Necromancer and above.
Benevolence was created to provide a fun and corruption free environment for all to enjoy ... Sledgerogue, Loch, and myself created Benevolence out of need for the server not just ourselves.
This is another falsehood, as Sledge (Bene's primary leader and founder) has openly admitted the true purposes of Bene: revenge against Pride (the details are not for me to share), and betterment of himself (as he cannot solo bosses and no Union clan will accept him). Breaking promises, not upholding bargains, Bene's leadership has proven themselves active and vile in their interactions with Taranis' leaderships, instead of assuming the laid back, mature role that is portrayed in Chromis' post.
no corrupt leaders hiding drops and selling them on level 1 characters that is rampant at other clans on Taranis... We wanted a healthier, more fun, and less corrupt server... Why do clan banks run by corrupt people even exist?...
One of Bene's primary claims is the Union clans are corrupt. It can be seen in shouts, whispered with the rest of their recruitment speech, posted repeatedly on the forums...
Fact: NO current general of a Union clan has ever been found corrupt.
On almost every thread discussing the merits of Benevolence, "the corrupt Union generals" has come up, however NOT ONCE has an incident been cited.
I hope that is clear.
I am only fully knowledgeable with Aeon's points/drop distribution systems: our DL, EDL, and Raid point system records are freely available for any clanmember to cross check (the generals routinely cross check points as well), and we utilize automation to eliminate human error. Our members trust our generals (they received a 100% trust rating in an anonymous poll we conducted earlier this year), and I would not be in Aeon if otherwise.
Rotational end boss kills reward those who log in ONLY for end bosses the same chance at drops as those far more daily active players that log over 50 hours a week. That simply is illogical -- people who play more should inherently have a greater chance at more drops.
Well yes, if a Bene member does
not show up for a Hrungnir kill are they able to roll for the drops? If not, then Bene is ironically guilty of their above accusation...
Aeon balances this by having DL/EDL points contribute to raid points, and allowing those who camp a boss' window to roll for drops (so those who kill DL/EDL but don't/can't attend raid kills can still get raid gear). Also, raid points and drop prices prevent quality drops being awarded to those who rarely log in and have not contributed.
Pride favors a bidding system, and does not require attendance to bid for drops.
Different clans have their own method of drop distribution. If Bene wants, they can give their drops to the first nooblet they see... No one method is forced.
The "Union" publicly declared war on freedom (Benevolence) and failed miserably at it -- resulting in some Union players quitting the game out embarrassment.
Actually, Bene officially declared war on Union. Union as a whole NEVER declared war on Bene.
Anticipating that Bene would attempt to twist an impending conflict to portray Bene as defensive, Union leaders specifically ignored Bene: intentionally not providing them reason to declare themselves victims.
Union members who have gone inactive since the conflict began primarily cite the Union/Bene drama as their reason for inactivity, not "embarrassment" of any sort.
Benevolence did not want to be involved in the fictitious rotational end boss scheme made up by Pride Aeon.
Incorrect: One of Bene's chief promises was an agreement to join raid boss rotations if gear extradition was abolished.
Gear extradition was abolished (not because of Bene however)... Bene then rejected raid rotations and suddenly changed their clan mission.
Benevolence went on to successfully convert the server from Rotations to Peaceful Kill on Sight.... There are no longer rotational kills on the server. The phrase "Who's turn is it in the rotation" simply doesn't exist anymore.
Another falsehood: rotations continue to exist and are upheld and followed by the Union clans... Bene is nowhere near converting the server.
I actually heard the phrase "Who's turn is it [in the rotation]?" two days ago in clan chat.
People like Regenlief who are very part time players are equipped with old and inaccurate information on daily life in the new Taranis... You have someone like Regen (nice guy btw) who logs once every blue moon but does nothing for the server in general except spread falsehoods in regards of Clan Benevolence... Other than that Regens activity like much of his clans leadership is spotty at best in gameplay. It's really not his fault that he's out of touch and people keep leaving his clan out of yearning for something better. If he logged more he would see rather than come up with posts on forums that are inaccurate.
Quite the opposite, I am heavily and actively involved with Aeon and Union leadership. I log multiple times weekly for bosses, general discussions with apprentices and friends, and other matters that require my presence, however devote the majority of my activity behind the scenes. I am more up-to-date regarding current Taranis events, interclan relations and policy, and the overall well-being of Taranis' endgame than Chromis can possibly be.
What I do not do is spend the majority of my online time in Farcrag doomsaying.
If a clan has the numbers, wins the lock, and kills then we are all about saying good fight if it's not us. If we do win then those at the battle share in the spoils, not left to sit and collect dust in some clan bank. We have rules against griefing (even though they do to us), and believe in being good sportsmen and women. It is a game after all. If they don't want to be good sports then that's on them.
Don't even try saying that Bene is completely 100% innocent from griefing... The leaders may not condone it, but it happens, and is noticed. Bene as a whole is in no way participating in the lovely sportmanship described.
Let's touch on this idea of boss rotation. So let's say Mordris spawns and Clan Pride wants to kill it. Nope! Not your turn pride even though you have the numbers to kill it at this moment. That belongs to Clan PD! Kill that and then all hell will break loose!! ... So why should a clan that can kill it at the time wait for some other to hopefully get the numbers? You guessed it! Control!! So that leaders can schedule their 4 devices to get to the boss and kill it, get points for their many alts, gear the hell outta those alts, and then tell their members that even after they use tons of pots, idols, and lixes that raid gear never belonged to them.
Boss rotations are designed to prevent the exact behavior Bene desires.
The vast majority of servers follow a "Dominant Clan, Rebellious Clan" system, where one clan dominates bosses and the rebellious clan is left with the scraps. If you are not in the dominant clan, or you don't like their leaders/distribution/systems, good luck getting gear... Often this turns to forums covered in squabbles, OTM complaints, and dissatisfaction from injustice.
Boss rotations allow clans to maintain their unique culture and playstyle without limiting their ability to kill bosses and gain gear. The concept is: if you can kill a boss, you deserve its drops just as much as the bigger clan.
These two claims are contradictory:
Sledgerogue, Loch, and myself created Benevolence out of need for the server not just ourselves. We wanted a healthier, more fun, and less corrupt server.
8. You must be in Clan Benevolence to roll for drops.
Bene markets themselves as a force for Taranis*, with benefits for everyone*, an underdog group striving to create equal opportunity for all*....
* = Only if you are in Bene...
Bene has never been about Taranis, it has never been driven by altruism... It originated as a safe haven for thieves and public nuisances harboring vengeance and dreams of power, and through impressive efforts has become what it is today. In the past, they upheld rolling rights for anyone on Taranis: if you showed up to help, you were allowed to roll. Not anymore...
While the merits of clan property, rotations, and server-governing philosophies can be debated, do not twist information.