Ending all of This Hate, Please be respectful..
#1Yes, Lugh had some scammers "Fakes" Recently. There is No proof, We can all write are long Paragraphs and Waste all Are time attacking people, Or we can Play the Game. And hope This incident passes over, Most of us came too Play the Game, Not hear gossip All day, and Be scared Too long Into this Sad, now unfortunate Game, too hear who was the next victim. Most say They could never scam. But i have witnessed On my Other account, SeaBow, Many people attempting too scam, I was recently scammed of my DarkFlame armour On Rhinnon (However you spell) But that's over with. The point is That was a Freind/Clanmate who scammed, Just showing We can't Trust many people in this Crooked Game, Many Come too play, Level, Have fun, Me i come here too make friends and spare free time, Leave Your gossip too FaceBook, keep your Accusing and Frustrationing Name calling Off the game, Because it limits the game in many ways. For All You stubborn Close minded People Who feel they have the need to Comment, ~ Feel a need for attention ~ Ect, Learn too look past What you heard, And Play the Game. Most of the People Who Feel the need too be rude are 9-13 years old, That's why i Don't get bothered by Their rudeness. Have fun Guys ~~ SeaSlay ~~ From lugh.