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Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules


Is there any point in this vote as it seems 185 is still being decided upon?

Also from 180 point of view it seems unfair for us not to able to roll for higher level items but higher levels can roll for lower items

This isn't me having a go this is givin people something else to think about the way it seems to us
227 Dps Warrior
220 Rogue
220 Mage
220 Tank
220 Ranger
210 Druid
190 Locker Rogue

I don’t think I reads this, but they should message me if so

Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules

Hey all. I'm back. Was gonna go ahead and throw in my 2 cents.


Here's my thoughts on the dicing situation. We all know how completely screwed up OTM's loot tables are. With all the different tiers and possible skill drops some things are gonna be a once in a game time drop. Denying people a chance at said item just cause they're underleveled is kinda crappy. Lets look at it this way. I've been farming Aggy with y'all for what??? A year and a half to two years now? Continuously farming him every spawn. Have we ever in this time seen something like a godly natures touch ring? Godly vines? Not that i know of. Those items are so rare that if it were to drop every druid eligible to participate should have a shot at that. As far as the weapons and helms go I don't really care as much. When shes farmed regularly they will come up. Even the bracelets aren't a big deal but the bind on equip skill rings should be a different story. If we're at a Mordris fight and say a godly +10 touch +10 breath ring was to drop with a 190 req, I feel every druid that is eligible for participation should have a shot at that ring because the odds of it dropping again are slim to none.

Now we can go into the "well 188+ can dice for 190 weapons and helms. The bracelets are still a toss up and anyone eligible can dice on all rings..." but thats just creating too many bullet points to the rule and over complicating everything. So i stand at the fact that everyone eligible to fight should be eligible for any drop. Once its theres its up to them if they wanna let someone borrow it or whatever.

Once again sorry for my long winded posts lol. Good to be back and I'll cyall in game.
MaxeesVigor 200 druid
Independent of Lugh

Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules

If it wasn't for the higher lvls would the 180 be having a go a mord??? I dont think so did any of them come up with a plan? No was the higher lvls that came up with the plan and put that plan in place to take down mord we are not saying your not wanted but no rush for you to join in go lvl be better for yourself and the server then you wont have to moan callu has already posted saying 180/185 to level is easy yes might take time but it can be done. Why have a 190 drop go to a 180 player that cannot use for months because they wont lvl? But ppl say having the drop will make them lvl so why not lvl in the first place? Toy has posted about the difference in dps between lvls that is why we went with 185 to get the max effect on mord and that is why aks idea of at least lvl 188 rolling on a 190 drop is good. It feels as tho the lvl 180 just want a free ride to take down mord and go for drops . Mord will be around for a long time given you time to lvl to 185 the fight is not like aggy a free for all with loads turn up its a plan with 4/5 grps if not in the grps your not there.

Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules

I don’t think anyone is saying that Mordris should be a charity for level 180s. People will be included in the fight only if they can make a substantial contribution to our success. If someone is deemed necessary for the fight, shouldn’t they also be worthy to dice for drops? Of course.
If it wasn't for the higher lvls would the 180 be having a go a mord??? I dont think so did any of them come up with a plan? No was the higher lvls that came up with the plan and put that plan in place to take down mord we are not saying your not wanted but no rush for you to join in go lvl be better for yourself and the server then you wont have to moan callu has already posted saying 180/185 to level is easy yes might take time but it can be done.

I don’t think you mean to discount the contributions “lower level” players made to make the first Mordris fight possible. Randall made significant strides in developing our plan and supervised the first attempt. Unless he has leveled a lot since I last checked, Randall is level 184. We had a number of players in the 180-185 range help with testing tactics as well. Cooperation made the first Mordris fight a success.

To address your first question: Would level 180s attempt Mordris on their own? Of course not. They need the help of higher level players. Let’s pose your question another way. Would level 190 players attempt Mordris on their own? No, they need the help of players below level 190 (lower level players). The point is this is not an us and them situation. We need to cooperate to successfully defeat Mordris.
Why have a 190 drop go to a 180 player that cannot use for months because they wont lvl? But ppl say having the drop will make them lvl so why not lvl in the first place?

I am not sure why you think level 180 players won’t level. How did they get to 180? Regardless, I am not interested in trying to manage the leveling behavior of other players. This is a game and they can play their toons as they see fit.
Toy has posted about the difference in dps between lvls that is why we went with 185 to get the max effect on mord and that is why aks idea of at least lvl 188 rolling on a 190 drop is good. It feels as tho the lvl 180 just want a free ride to take down mord and go for drops . Mord will be around for a long time given you time to lvl to 185 the fight is not like aggy a free for all with loads turn up its a plan with 4/5 grps if not in the grps your not there.
I agree there is a significant damage nerf when a DPS toon is below the level of the mob. As a matter of fact, I think it may be worse in the current update compared to before. However, I don’t have data to support that the nerf is worse. Perhaps, I just noticed it more after the update. The good news is there are level 180 trolls and lower level wyrms that can be dispatched by players in the level 180 range if they are included in the fight.

You are correct that Mordris will not be a free for all (I don’t think Aggy should be this way either but that would be a different discussion). Based on the votes so far, there is overwhelming support for people being present at the beginning of the fight and grouped to be included.

The bottom line is there is no room for elitism. We have to cooperate if we are to achieve our goals of defeating Mordris on a regular basis and defeat the Necromancer for the first time.

Clan: Ancients
RogerRanger 223
RogerDruid 160+
RogerRogue 160+
RogerWarrior 150+
RogerMage 110+

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules

So what I'm hearing is, the 190+ don't want the 185- people to be getting "their" drops. Let's say there are 40 people at the fight and 20 of those are warriors. Now we'll say 10 of the 40 are 190+ and only 2 of those are warriors. Now a godly warrior item drops, you've effectively cut out 90% of eligible dicers just by adding this rule and that's the only reason I see why this rule would be introduced. You say it takes long to get 180-190, well it takes pretty long to get 1-180 doesn't it? If we get that far we can easily get farther, most people just need the motivation. Here's an example by me, I never would have levelled Venus past 125 until I found myself being called to bosses as I was needed very much being one of the only active druids and ended up winning many green dl drops. Owning enough items to get gloves, boots, and nearly the helmet while below level 150 motivated me to level and I got those required levels in one weekend. Right now my rogue is 185 and the difference in dps if I were to be 190 is slim so I don't see any reason to level past this point and waste my elixirs and time, UNLESS I were to get a godly drop. At that point I would grind and grind to be able to use that beautiful piece of equipment, I'd also most likely lend it to another player who could use it until I could just as I have done with many of my dl items including green AND purple ritual crowns.

Let's talk about rarity now, you say that godlies are so rare that this won't even affect us for a long time, so why would I bust my ass levelling for hours upon hours just for a tiny chance at just being able to roll for a good item and probably not even win it? It took me 36 fights at aggy to win my first drop and at that point I was already level 170 and have been killing aggy for months and dicing on not one but two characters. If the chance of a godly is so ridiculously low, and if it's going to take me ages to actually win something I see no point of spending a couple hundred elixirs for wasted effort. This is similar to people who levelled 150+ last update, you spent 30+ elixirs a level which at the time was freaking ridiculous and what happened? The fourth update came along and you went back to 4 elixirs a level, talk about waste of money. This is why I refuse to level in absurd conditions unless it would be absolutely necessary and I'm sure many feel the same way but instead choose to be a sheep and just listen to these unfair rules without saying a word.

The argument by Callator is that they have a significant dps loss so they shouldn't be able to dice for 190+ items. If their dps is so bad then why would they get to dice for anything at all? They have 50% or so dps loss which is what I like to call leeching or as you all like to call a free-ride, except rather than them riding on the high level drops you want to punish us 187- players by allowing the free-riders to take part in getting our drops. You drop chance increases while ours decreases, not to mention at 190 you can dice for all three-tiered drops so there is a clear advantage for the people who are richer. I thought we were trying to make the game more fair for the less fortunate, that's why we banned the selling of dl items correct?

Anyways point is that if you're allowing these people to take part in the fight then allow them to take part in the best part, the drop distribution. Seems like you're just using us slightly lower levelled players to be your meat shields and support you to victory. You say if it wasn't for you 190s then we wouldn't be able to take Mordris, newsflash you 190+ players are the minority and there is an army of 187 and below players that are making the fight happen. If you don't believe me then post all the 190+ players that were killing Mordris and then post all the players who were 187 and below, next post what the jobs of those 187 and below people are. If that's not enough proof that us "under-levelled" players have an extremely significant role in the fight and deserve the same as you all then I don't know how else to convince you.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules

You guys are still whining over stuff you havent seen yet. Mordris was still up last i knew. Go kill it and get your drops. Wait... U cant. You need the 190 help. Plus, its only been completed once on this server and was pretty lucky at that. You all seem to have missed the part where Mordris is still alive. Its ridiculously hard to bring down. The occasional 190 drop should be used immediately to boost players now. The 180 and 185 drops will be used right away if not very soon. If you need one of the hardest to acquire drops in the game as motivation to level then thats a YOU problem. Really what is being said here is that all of the 190's leveled and skilled for nothing. We all couldve stopped at 180 and waited for drops to magically appear. But then Mordris would never die and we would never have this conversation. Stop the whining about a drop you think you want. If you want it bad enough then get to 190 and shut up. This boss is very very hard. Most complaints are from those who werent there the first time. Your words are pure ignorance. Until we bring Mordris down again and again and again people shouldnt be so concerned. Go memorize the plan. There was a strategic reason we only had 4 groups the first time and we are attempting to add more so we can include more people. Increasing groups will be based on successful take downs not based on complaints.

So many people also read Toys post about levels and effectiveness. Its true. At 10 levels below you are almost not effective at all. For every other Boss in the game people get free rides and drops just for showing up. This can't happen with Mordris. Until the level cap is 250 it will continue to be a very hard boss and as of right now it requires the most effective people to bring down.

Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules

I know its not fair for 180 to win 190 drop because they cant use it, this is why we have clan
There are druids below 180 who have full dl and can heal good why we not count them?
My dps is so bad its no help when i have tank build and i not changing bcoz sometime i get call for boss an need to tank.
I'm forever useless if i dont tank lol should i still go to that fight?
Just fake smile dont let them know your sad

Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules

After having read all the comments, seems everyone has good points and I can see all angles. That being said, I vote 1/1/1/1. I have won drops that I couldn't use, and let someone borrow it until I reached the level requirement, and Lady let me borrow her skull until she reached the level requirement. I don't really see a major problem letting those who fight, dice. BUT I do understand if higher levels win, it will make the raid easier because they would be able to use immediately. The biggest problem I see is not the dicing, but the division between "higher" and "lower" level characters. I am level 182, nearly 183, but i am considered a low level? I can understand how those 180 people feel, they have worked hard, and are still leveling. It's not us vs them, we have to be united not divided.

Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules

Im confuse need help.. We talkin about gearing everyone .. So if someone have hrung bracelet 2 and some more aggy bracelet and ten he won a modris bracelet where will that other bracelet go hrung one? .. Or if someone win a modris helm he can roll again for another helm? Or let others win.
Why are high lvls still rolling for aggy drops is not that good for high lvls unless its a skill ring. Same with dl drops we are rolling for items we dont need to help gear people in clan.. Not bcoz so it can sit in bag
same For casters rolling for dps ring or armour..
I am saying if a 180 win 190 drop it wont sit in our bag unless its boe.. We can put a lvl req on that
Just fake smile dont let them know your sad

Re: Mordris: Vote on level requirements and dicing rules

It is not an US vs Them/High vs Lower level thing …. but it quickly has, that was never the intent of a DPS level requirement of 185. NO ONE EVER SAID that 184 to 180 where useless.
The plan is designed for the DPS to be a maximized group. maximizing DPS means just that. The plan Will work with 4 groups as long as the DPS is 185.
I revived Toy's post on DPS effectiveness to hopefully inform ppl as to why we decided on 185 DPS requirement. We added groups 5 and 6 to accommodate, the 184 to 180 dps.
We still need to make sure all involved know the plan, the sequence of things, and group responsibilities. Many still have not read the plan. And untill all know how to take her down on a regular basis, late comers (if they are not familiar with plan) can put a monkey wrench in the works.
Now the dicing suggestion would only apply to this boss, for reasons already stated many times, but it seems that the vote is going towards all roll if in fight, if it does, so be it. But lets discuss the pros and cons of each issue, and make informed decisions.
We need to continue to work together for continued success with Modris. Lets not let such a passion filled topic tear us apart.

On that note lets please return thread to voting please.

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