I'm new to lugh and I've had many people telling me to not join alliance, or to go for alliance. I wanna know the truth about the war because it seems everyone hates alliance for being different. As my knowledge is low I am not taking sides but right now it seems everyone hates alliance for being different. In my opinion the strongest clan should win but that's how I have been born into the game. In arawn there was a family world 2 rivalling clans but for endgame bosses they would work together (if anybody knows uskoci and badabing). The clans merged and war kicked off and the world was never as good. The concept might be the same for lugh with alliance but you cannot stop people for being who they are. If they want to get the best gear they will not collaborate but they will get what they need which is fair enough. If you are against this instead of *** about them simply don't share with them. The rest of the world should be more powerful then alliance and if not then it just shows that people want change. I just wanted to clear some things up because I think the war is stupid and people clearly just need to adapt and get on with it.
My thoughts really
Re: The truth about the war?
#2Lugh was once a server like Epona. All clans worked together to kill event and raid bosses. When Alliance became stronger and stronger they decided to go dominant, because the drop distribution isnt fair (right class can roll when present). Now they can kill till 215 edl boss as a clan so they dont need us anymore. People outside Alliance hate them not because theyre different, but because they went dominant on a server where we used to all work together, no matter what clan youre in. So now you can choose Alliance or any other clan in Lugh because at the moment it is Alliance vs The rest.
Perkamentus, lv 230 Full Doch Gul Ice Mage
Avanor, lv 220 Rogue
Silvos, lv 191 Ranger
Retired Chieftain now Clansman of Pegasus, Lugh.
Avanor, lv 220 Rogue
Silvos, lv 191 Ranger
Retired Chieftain now Clansman of Pegasus, Lugh.
Re: The truth about the war?
#3Alliance is the majority of Lugh endgame players, so answer is simple: we wanted change a system that didn't work anymore
Vis: Rogue 224
Clan: Toxic
Neero: Warrior lvl 231
Enea: Mage lvl 220
Vis: Rogue 224
Clan: Toxic
Neero: Warrior lvl 231
Enea: Mage lvl 220
Re: The truth about the war?
#4Not from Lugh but I fully understand Aliances pain with this stupid roll for everything drop system. The flawed system was bound to do some harm.
Competition is by far the most enjoyable part of CH and most of Lugh will see this soon enough. Just form a clan to battle with Alliance, instead of those bits and pieces clans. Keep the competition healthy by avoiding trash talk, griefing.
Competition is by far the most enjoyable part of CH and most of Lugh will see this soon enough. Just form a clan to battle with Alliance, instead of those bits and pieces clans. Keep the competition healthy by avoiding trash talk, griefing.
Wattzon of Sulis
Re: The truth about the war?
#5I think the problem with trying to co-operate with endgame bosses is the conflict of drop distribution, alliance has a strict drop distribution system, whereas the rest of lugh have a dicing system that encourages everyone to turn up for a fair chance at winning class drops, obviously players with multiple accounts have more chances at winning non-class based items.I'm new to lugh and I've had many people telling me to not join alliance, or to go for alliance. I wanna know the truth about the war because it seems everyone hates alliance for being different. As my knowledge is low I am not taking sides but right now it seems everyone hates alliance for being different. In my opinion the strongest clan should win but that's how I have been born into the game. In arawn there was a family world 2 rivalling clans but for endgame bosses they would work together (if anybody knows uskoci and badabing). The clans merged and war kicked off and the world was never as good. The concept might be the same for lugh with alliance but you cannot stop people for being who they are. If they want to get the best gear they will not collaborate but they will get what they need which is fair enough. If you are against this instead of ******** about them simply don't share with them. The rest of the world should be more powerful then alliance and if not then it just shows that people want change. I just wanted to clear some things up because I think the war is stupid and people clearly just need to adapt and get on with it.
My thoughts really
Alliance do hold the majority of the heavy hitters, and used brute force to attempt to scare players into joining their way of playing, and for some it worked, recently ive noticed a more friendly approach to this.
Lugh resorted to griefing after an alliance player attempted to grief a hrung not long after they went dom. The griefing has died down and its more a battle of stengths.
It seems the timezone difference between alliance and Lugh mean that depending on your timezone it depends on who will lock.
I am from ascension, trying to mediate the conflict between the 2 parties, trying my best to stop personal attacks and griefing, but not much i can do to 2 parties so heavily against each other.
Again just the things ive noticed over the past few months.
Lukov lvl 205 rogue
Lukov4 lvl 199 druid
Lukov2 lvl 63 warrior able to shield bash Aggy
Helpfullukov lvl 197 mage. Part three of the lukov combo
skywalker1 lvl 100 ranger
Expansion update 4 & destiny beta tester
Lukov4 lvl 199 druid
Lukov2 lvl 63 warrior able to shield bash Aggy
Helpfullukov lvl 197 mage. Part three of the lukov combo
skywalker1 lvl 100 ranger
Expansion update 4 & destiny beta tester
Re: The truth about the war?
#6You "do not join alliance" or "do not sell to alliance members" - people are just ridicolous. Who ever said that, just makes them self looking bad.
If i would go to a new server and someone would tell me to not join a clan; i would straight go in to this clan (if possible).
To the new guys on Lugh, you should just make your own picture of this server, because everyone whos not in alliance will say that Alliance are the bad ones and "we" are the princess/prince of the server
If i would go to a new server and someone would tell me to not join a clan; i would straight go in to this clan (if possible).
To the new guys on Lugh, you should just make your own picture of this server, because everyone whos not in alliance will say that Alliance are the bad ones and "we" are the princess/prince of the server
Re: The truth about the war?
#7Same bs is happening on donn, hypocrites and sore losers destroy the alliance system. But being android server we need all to kill mord. So now, no one will be killing mordris anytime soon because people's greed and hypocrisy..
Sorry if I don't belong here cuz I don't play on lugh, but wanted to mention. Lugh isn't only server dealing with alliance bs and people's greed.
Sorry if I don't belong here cuz I don't play on lugh, but wanted to mention. Lugh isn't only server dealing with alliance bs and people's greed.
Re: The truth about the war?
#8That's a terrible mentality.If i would go to a new server and someone would tell me to not join a clan; i would straight go in to this clan (if possible).

Currently actively playing the game.
Re: The truth about the war?
#10I have been on the side of both parties, so I may give a more detailed, less subjected opinion.
For me the tensions started growing during the yule 2014 event. I was in ancients back then, this was a time when we still were rolling on drops. I didn't mind back then, because if a fellow mage needed an item, we mostly borrowed items to each other, for example:
I got scammed big time and poisonous(alliance) borrowed me a comrak neck till I got my stuff back and tomtomtom(ancients) borrowed me alot of items and taught me alot about the mage class.
The system was flawed even back then, but we managed together to reduce those flaws as best as we could. Tensions started growing when some rumours were going around about this clan, spread by only two players( as far as I know). They said alliance were all transfers from epona, called them the 'eponavirus' or 'eponascum'. Basically all the clans in lugh were almost bullying alliance. They were scared of alliance, said they would take over the server. This is when a big rift got created. For example we used to server-kill aggy(lol). Alliance introduced a new policy. They did not include, but would also not exclude. What this meant was that they wouldnt call anyone when they would spot a boss, but they would still allow you to roll when you would arrive in time at that boss.
So basically the old lugh clans and alliance kept grewing apart from each other. Alliance members were forced to unfriend people outside alliance(according to rumours. I don't know if this is a fact). And if you were in an old lugh-clan and you were friends with someone in alliance you were marked as a traitor. This was a big problem for me, I had friends on both sides and it was hard for me to choose between them. I tried to help defend the system as long as possible till couldn't anymore. In the end, alliance tried to go dominant, but they could only keep this up for a few days. Then they rejoined the other clans again as it was before. Still alot of tensions.
Because of this, the remaining players of what was left of the old lugh-clans regrouped in a different clan called 'virus'. The purpose of virus was to counter alliance. They asked me to join as well. I did but I discovered soon that this was not the clan I thought it was. All they were talking about is how they would destroy alliance. I said I still had friends in alliance and I got kicked because of this. After this I made my own clan called 'Neutral'. I tried to stay neutral and treat my friends equally on both sides. Alliance appreciated this, the friends in virus disgusted me of this and branded me even more as a traitor.
Lugh still got tensions but it was doable, till virus locked mordris one day. A godly druid ring dropped. During dicing the lock group switched this godly druid ring for a mighty rogue ring. A few honest players like sabre for example tried to fix this whenshe discovered this. She made sure that all the druids were brought together again and that everyone had a fair chance on this drop. After this incident alot of players quit the game, alliance became by far the superior clan in lugh. I stayed a while in my own clan, but I became bored, I tried to join hobs and synergy, but they both rejected me. In the end I could join ascension, a neutral clan that consisted of tobius, lukov and me. After a while lukov and tobius went semi-inactive. I found myself alone again in a clan. I left ascension and joined syndicate, because it seemed active. When I joined a few players from syndicate went to alliance, so again I was almost alone in a clan. Then the summer event hit. I managed to win a full spirit set by myself in a week ish.
Then I got a message from an alliance member. He said that soon alliance would go dominant and abolish the dicing system. They told me other players from the other clans had the same choice. A few including me joined alliance, alot stayed to try counter alliance, mostly in vain.
The reason why I couldn't defend this system if because of the following reasons:
-Most of my friends on my side who truly believed in this system left the game. They d'rather give up fighting and solve things peacefully then use their hatred to fight. (I still play with some of them in clash of clans
-All what was left of the old-lughians were changed friends, only set on destroy on alliance. All they cared about was retaliation, because alliance destroyed their system. I saw my friends change, doing more horrible things till I hardly recognised the players I used to call friends.
My experience in alliance
Alliance is from the inside a very friendly tight-knit bunch that just wants to have fun. They care about each other and have each others back. On contrary of the dicing system, everyone has a fair chance on gear, based on efffort, not just some luck.
I do understands everyone frustration though, or at least most them. I still speak with alot of players outside alliance and I know alot want to join alliance, but they are either scared of public opinion, scared that they will get rejected by alliance or they do want to join, but are loyal to friends that are too stubborn to give in.
Thanks if you bothered to read this all. I hope for the newer players that this will give a bit more perspective in the current situation. Ofcourse I probably have missed some things. Feel free to add anything to the story as as its factual.
For me the tensions started growing during the yule 2014 event. I was in ancients back then, this was a time when we still were rolling on drops. I didn't mind back then, because if a fellow mage needed an item, we mostly borrowed items to each other, for example:
I got scammed big time and poisonous(alliance) borrowed me a comrak neck till I got my stuff back and tomtomtom(ancients) borrowed me alot of items and taught me alot about the mage class.
The system was flawed even back then, but we managed together to reduce those flaws as best as we could. Tensions started growing when some rumours were going around about this clan, spread by only two players( as far as I know). They said alliance were all transfers from epona, called them the 'eponavirus' or 'eponascum'. Basically all the clans in lugh were almost bullying alliance. They were scared of alliance, said they would take over the server. This is when a big rift got created. For example we used to server-kill aggy(lol). Alliance introduced a new policy. They did not include, but would also not exclude. What this meant was that they wouldnt call anyone when they would spot a boss, but they would still allow you to roll when you would arrive in time at that boss.
So basically the old lugh clans and alliance kept grewing apart from each other. Alliance members were forced to unfriend people outside alliance(according to rumours. I don't know if this is a fact). And if you were in an old lugh-clan and you were friends with someone in alliance you were marked as a traitor. This was a big problem for me, I had friends on both sides and it was hard for me to choose between them. I tried to help defend the system as long as possible till couldn't anymore. In the end, alliance tried to go dominant, but they could only keep this up for a few days. Then they rejoined the other clans again as it was before. Still alot of tensions.
Because of this, the remaining players of what was left of the old lugh-clans regrouped in a different clan called 'virus'. The purpose of virus was to counter alliance. They asked me to join as well. I did but I discovered soon that this was not the clan I thought it was. All they were talking about is how they would destroy alliance. I said I still had friends in alliance and I got kicked because of this. After this I made my own clan called 'Neutral'. I tried to stay neutral and treat my friends equally on both sides. Alliance appreciated this, the friends in virus disgusted me of this and branded me even more as a traitor.
Lugh still got tensions but it was doable, till virus locked mordris one day. A godly druid ring dropped. During dicing the lock group switched this godly druid ring for a mighty rogue ring. A few honest players like sabre for example tried to fix this whenshe discovered this. She made sure that all the druids were brought together again and that everyone had a fair chance on this drop. After this incident alot of players quit the game, alliance became by far the superior clan in lugh. I stayed a while in my own clan, but I became bored, I tried to join hobs and synergy, but they both rejected me. In the end I could join ascension, a neutral clan that consisted of tobius, lukov and me. After a while lukov and tobius went semi-inactive. I found myself alone again in a clan. I left ascension and joined syndicate, because it seemed active. When I joined a few players from syndicate went to alliance, so again I was almost alone in a clan. Then the summer event hit. I managed to win a full spirit set by myself in a week ish.
Then I got a message from an alliance member. He said that soon alliance would go dominant and abolish the dicing system. They told me other players from the other clans had the same choice. A few including me joined alliance, alot stayed to try counter alliance, mostly in vain.
The reason why I couldn't defend this system if because of the following reasons:
-Most of my friends on my side who truly believed in this system left the game. They d'rather give up fighting and solve things peacefully then use their hatred to fight. (I still play with some of them in clash of clans

-All what was left of the old-lughians were changed friends, only set on destroy on alliance. All they cared about was retaliation, because alliance destroyed their system. I saw my friends change, doing more horrible things till I hardly recognised the players I used to call friends.
My experience in alliance
Alliance is from the inside a very friendly tight-knit bunch that just wants to have fun. They care about each other and have each others back. On contrary of the dicing system, everyone has a fair chance on gear, based on efffort, not just some luck.
I do understands everyone frustration though, or at least most them. I still speak with alot of players outside alliance and I know alot want to join alliance, but they are either scared of public opinion, scared that they will get rejected by alliance or they do want to join, but are loyal to friends that are too stubborn to give in.
Thanks if you bothered to read this all. I hope for the newer players that this will give a bit more perspective in the current situation. Ofcourse I probably have missed some things. Feel free to add anything to the story as as its factual.