Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Nates shop of goodz BEST PRICES!

Hey what's up guys I'll be selling some stuff for real cheap,
talking about the LOWEST PRICES you'll find so here we go.

First up is Lola she's a real high class girl likes long walks on the beach and jewelry

Next up we got Candy she's your average kinda gal with a extra kick to her, she likes animals like stone fang and is a sucker for heroes with horses

Last girl we got is peppermint she's a rowdy type a girl who spends most her time killing trolls, and spiders. Warriors who prefer a lil danger on their dates would love this gal.

And last we got billy joe jack he's a warrior who never likes to wear a shirt and can take out any monster at gelebrons tower and loves sunsets, don't miss out on this one ladies.

Also got some haste lix, combos, and a few xp lix, also taking offers on full set of spooky black hunter we are ready to part with it.

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