Selling the following items:
Green frostguard set
Yellow frostguard set
Blue frostguard set (with snowbound pants and gloves)
Pink lanrik set
Green frostguard top
Green hunter boots
Pink snowbound frostguard gloves
Buying and trading for:
Mount tokens
White spooky hunter top and boots
Black hunter top and hat
White pirate boots and gloves
Pm me here or in game at Neero to discuss prices.
Neero's buying and selling
Last edited by Neero. on Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Vis: Rogue 224
Clan: Toxic
Neero: Warrior lvl 231
Enea: Mage lvl 220
Vis: Rogue 224
Clan: Toxic
Neero: Warrior lvl 231
Enea: Mage lvl 220