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Re: Clan Ancient Thread

WHAT THAT IS RIDICULOUS. You can NOT just kick people out of the clan. I work hard on this game and use no money because I am poor. It's not fair that you can tell us to level so quickly when I spent 4 weeks NON STOP trying to get to 80 in order to join. This is just such a stupid rule. Sorry Toycat, but it's fine for you guys that are level 120 something. It takes me 3 weeks to level and this is just taking the fun out of the clan/game.

I refuse to accept your rules and I don't even care if you're angry with me or annoyed or don't care yourself. You were so nice and friendly before the update but now your morale is completely out of the window. If you do not change these rules then you're a selfish man who cares only about himself and his other "friends" who have the money to blow all over this game to level in 4 days or whatever. I do NOT have the money and this shouldn't be putting me at a disadvantage. You have NO IDEA how hard I worked to reach level 80 just so I could be in your clan and now you're going to kick me out because of your stupid rules. I did respect you and the reason I wanted to join Ancients was to be in a respectable, caring clan who valued all their players; now I question how you intend to gain our trust back. I know you want to make your clan as good as possible, but your leadership skills have just been proven to be at nil.

Good day.

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

Hello Voldemort and Dumbledore,

Thank you both for your feedback. I appreciate any response even if it is not quite a positive one.

However, to respond to Voldemorts post, I do not think that requiring a few ressurrection idols is a big issue. 5 idols equal to 1K which could be obtained very fast if focused on getting the gold. But. I understand that there might be some players who cannot buy platinum and who cannot get anyone at that moment who would sell them the idols. So I am changing the word "required" to "strongly suggested". It is still up to the particular group if they are willing to fight with a member with no idols. The rest remains unchanged and if the group does not want players without idols I am expecting that the player will respect that with no hard feelings.

In respond to Dumbledors post. I am sorry you see it that bad. I did not intend to hurt you nor anyone else but you have to understand that after the updated the balance of powers had shifted severely. If focusing on levelling getting up to level 80 has become fairly easy now even without any potions. This has resulted in many "unwanted" people to be able to reach the level limit for Ancients without reasonable efforts. However the level 95 is still a challenge now and this will filter out power-levelled scammers from people who really want to play the game. I think, that when your first wave of rage will pass you will find out that going up from level 80 to 90 is nothing impossible in 3 weeks and reaching level 95 in 6 weeks from now should pose no problems if you really mean it. That's why I put this period for the current clan members to have the time to level up. As for non-members, I was selecting between stopping the recruitment at all for some time and putting a limit to filter out power-levelled noobs. I chose to put there a limit. If you find that you are struggling to level up I am willing to help you a bit and I am sure that if you ask your clanmates they will help you too. The rule is primarily aimed at people who want to get into the clan to earn a trustful clan name and want to use it just for their benefit to exploit others. This I am trying to prevent. If you still do not understand it I am really sorry but it is your choice whether you want to stay with us or not. I would prefer if you try a bit harder and stay with us. If you are for easy solutions I am really sorry but I am afraid that I cannot do anything about it. I still hope that you will see the good in my decision and you will not be angry anymore.

See you both in the game.

... Toycat the Druid of Ancients in world Lugh ...
:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Patience is a virtue :. .:. .:. .:. .:

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

1 idol = 200g
5 idols = 1000g

Given that I do 2 boss fights a day;
2000g per day

~10000g per 5 days

Now I could use that 10,000g to save up for my amulet that I've been trying to get for the past 2 months.

I'm earning ~1000g per day

This means I would actually lose 1000g per day killing bosses. Even if I kill one boss I would only break even every day.

It would take me about another 2 months to get my amulet, and that's without buying idols. I need to balance money-gaining with levelling to 95 for you so these new rules are a real difficulty for me.

Thank you for changing the rules but I hope you see my problem.

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Re: Clan Ancient Thread

1 idol = 200g
5 idols = 1000g

Given that I do 2 boss fights a day;
2000g per day

~10000g per 5 days

Now I could use that 10,000g to save up for my amulet that I've been trying to get for the past 2 months.

I'm earning ~1000g per day

This means I would actually lose 1000g per day killing bosses. Even if I kill one boss I would only break even every day.

It would take me about another 2 months to get my amulet, and that's without buying idols. I need to balance money-gaining with levelling to 95 for you so these new rules are a real difficulty for me.

Thank you for changing the rules but I hope you see my problem.
You see the problem from your side only.

If the group of 7 people all use idols and you don't, let's say each group member will use 5 idols aka 1K per fight.

The mob drops just one item worth say 10K.

So the 6 group members spent total of 6K in the fight yet you got a 10K item spending 0 in the fight.

To follow your example, in 5 days with 2 boss fights a day the group could loose 60K and you could gain 100K with no risk what so ever.

How fair does it sound to you now?

I hope you see the problem of all the people who pay real money for the game or at least invest earned gold to buy idols so you could enjoy it free.
... Toycat the Druid of Ancients in world Lugh ...
:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Patience is a virtue :. .:. .:. .:. .:

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

lol vold , its as simple as dont do any bosses for the time being or just ask kind people for extra idols (me (((:)

And Dumble, We understand you worked hard to get to 80, i acutully wonder how much u spend time on leveling (now) at the time your on, because you do hardly play. i know it's boring but even i do it (atm no exclirs or pots) but if i feel the need to do a boss i do so :) i just mix and mash between bosses, leveling, diicking around and hitting on women :P but leveling fils up most of the gaps in that timeline. If you put real effort into (which im sure u do) gettting to 90 before 2 weeks, hell u could level one whole level a day. Also if you need help leveling u can grp with someone round your lvl, ask anyone (even me as i will try an level my level 83 mage before 2 weeks)

And please dont take this out on toy or think he is too "you know wht i mean", this was acutully mine and Sarge's idea and this is to help moviate clan members who just sit around do bosses all day on higher level players power. I do think we coule give a little more time. However 2 is weeks more then enough but because there are some palyers that are less active we need to give them a chance (even bbreak the news to them)
So please don't freak, we need some time.

Thank You for your time Ladies and gents.

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

Also Dumbledore, I have gotten to 86 (87 as soon as it starts again :D) and I've only used about 5 elixirs or pots to do so, it's not totally impossible and if u have someone leveling with u it makes it a little easier, and if u have a spare 4k u can buy an do elixer is anyone is selling. It doesn't take very long to get 4k either. All u have to do is raid dustwither for mayb an hour, and ull get 4k easily.... Just wanted to share my thoughts
HiYo lvl 120 warrior
FallenRogue lvl 95 rogue
FallenDruid lvl 75 druid
RogueWave lvl 60 rogue
MofoKser lvl 25 rogue
Only person who exaggerates on levels

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

I'm not taking anything out on anyone - just expressing my views :)

And Toy: I appreciate the other side of the argument but you need to see this in a wider perspective. I'm sure at least half the group will find it too expensive to purchase 5 idols all the time. Why not just say "you need enough idols for each fight so you can survive". That way the tank buys what they need and everyone else buys what they need. How do you know people haven't bought 5 but only 3?

And no, I always give drops that I don't need for free to the clan, so I will very rarely get any sort of profit. I'm sacrificing my profits for the clan. You have also assumed that I will get every boss drop which in reality I would only get about 2. You have also assumed that everyone has used idols - the bosses I fight at the moment only usually require a maximum of 3: I'm not talking about Otherworld bosses or anything just yet. Some people may also buy 5 but only use 2 or three.

Furthermore, of I restrain from boss fights, then I can't expect to upgrade my armour or finish quests (which give xp and gold/items). That means I will find it more diffiult than those of you who had full warden and part meteoric at level 84. It also means I will still be running around with under-average armour at level 95 which is just not feasible. All because I can't pay. I will have to abort all efforts to improve myself so I can just grind my way to a higher level and to higher amounts of gold for the next 3 months.

I don't like moaning but you must consider that those who wrote and contributed to those rules are already nearing, on or have exceeded level 100 with decent items. I joined Ancients for the perceived kindness and helpfulness, not for the added stress of some of these rules.

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Re: Clan Ancient Thread

Yes, I understand. It's just that the people you are trying to filter out (i.e people who don't work hard to get to 80) also filters out myself and I do not lie about on the game all day glugging down elixirs because I don't have the money.

I'd love to stay; getting into Ancients was my dream and now it's crushed. That's why I'm angry. I'm currently studying medicine and that drains hours of my time from playing, so when I am online I work non-stop to even get one bar done. Your filter is just too general. If you're that concerned, you should just select the people who you want to join by hand instead of letting every single level 80 in.
So say if there's someone who's 80 but is respectful and works hard, you'd allow them in. But someone who has got to 80 in 4 days and scams or something isn't allowed in. That way it'd be so much easier and everyone will be happy. Just a suggestion but I think we should have discussed these changes as a clan to avoid outbursts like mine from people who log on to find, to their horror, ridiculous new rules being implemented.

I hope you see my point and I still totally understand you're too, Toycat.

I really love you guys and everyone in the clan is a good laugh. I hate moaning and just want to come online and have fun. Even that's been jeaporised now.

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

And Toy: I appreciate the other side of the argument but you need to see this in a wider perspective. I'm sure at least half the group will find it too expensive to purchase 5 idols all the time. Why not just say "you need enough idols for each fight so you can survive". That way the tank buys what they need and everyone else buys what they need. How do you know people haven't bought 5 but only 3?
Mort, it's nothing personal against you. The problem is that some members do not like that others play on their expense and unfortunately they are quite right about it. I myself spent around half of all my resources throughout the time in the game on helping others. And I rarely get a drop or I am helping in fights I really do not need to be in (no XP, no useful drop for me, little gold gain). And it is not a good feeling when you agree to help a group only to see you are the only one who actually pays for the fights. It is easy to say "someone is a good guy" when he pays for all to have fun. Still I do understand your concerns, that's why I agreed to changed the rule a bit. I just want all to understand, that almost each boss fight costs something and someone has to pay it. The idea is to share the costs so we all can play for a small price. And I never suggested to actually check how many idols you have atm. But if the fight gets rought and you will be either away running from spawn point or lying on the ground waiting to get the kill (or drop) the group will go mad for sure and next time they will not invite you anyway. So the rule is meant as a prevention to this.
Furthermore, of I restrain from boss fights, then I can't expect to upgrade my armour or finish quests (which give xp and gold/items). That means I will find it more diffiult than those of you who had full warden and part meteoric at level 84. It also means I will still be running around with under-average armour at level 95 which is just not feasible. All because I can't pay. I will have to abort all efforts to improve myself so I can just grind my way to a higher level and to higher amounts of gold for the next 3 months.
Yes, but you should not rush into boss fights when you are underlevelled. Before the update, for Rockbelly or Deadroot we rarely invited levels under 80 and the whole group of 90+ was preferred even when it was hard to get to 90 at that time. Why? Because we needed to kill the mob in a reasonable time without taking too heavy damage and without spending loads of resources. The same situation is now. They made levelling to say 100 or 110 relatively easy because of higher level mobs. But they also made all bosses harder to compensate the new gaming system and the fact that you could actually do more damage when higher level with the proper stats. So the problem persist and still a group of say around 80 is very weak for Rockbelly and does little damage. I will not repeat myself about the one high level player spending loads of resources with this group. But I hope that you now see the problem in a wider view. :-)
Your filter is just too general. If you're that concerned, you should just select the people who you want to join by hand instead of letting every single level 80 in.
I would love to do that but it is not possible this way. I am not on all the time. I do not watch all players to see who scammed or levelled up in 4 days, etc. Also there are different timezones so I could never meet a player who is a friend of someone in the clan to see how great he is. That's why there are generals and guardians. Even now we are trying to "handpick" clan members and we do not allow in players who we know they are scammers or problematic ones. Also the idea is, that with similar levels you do similar quests and play in similar areas. If you are too many levels below you will either get frustated by clan mates not helping you (they will be busy with quests in their areas or levelling to survive there) or you will become "a pain in the ass" by begging all members to help you anyway. Some members think "whoa I am 80 I will get to Ancients and I will raid otherworld with all those levels 100+". This simply cannot be true because the group would need to literally nurse the player in otherworld. I remember that several persons level 80 begged me for several days to help them getting quartz crystals and diamond crystals or to help them to run to the sencond spawn point, etc. Althought I am strongly for a team play, the team play is not about nursing others so they could power level or get powerful items without any efforts. I worked hard to get to my level, trained my abilities for weeks to have them maxed, and to finish all my quests. Those who did it too understood what Ihad written. Those who are level 90 with abilities around 200 only will never get this.
... Toycat the Druid of Ancients in world Lugh ...
:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Patience is a virtue :. .:. .:. .:. .:

Re: Clan Ancient Thread

As a response to your comments I have updated the deadlines for levels 90 and 95 by 1 week.

I have also added a statement about PHOENIX members who worked hard and will reach level 80 within a week (thank you Akbar for pointing out this issue).

I am sorry for all who still see it too hard to level up but (without any bragging) at level 116 I could raise my level within about 1 hour on XP pots or 4 hours without them. So forgive me, but I really see no problem to level up 15 levels starting from level 80 in 7 weeks aka 49 days. Even if playing 2 hours a day you could rise your level every two days when killing the right mobs. And at this rate you could theoretically gain 24 levels in the 49 days without any sweat, which is well over the requested 15 levels. Of course you need to focus on the levelling and not just doing boss fights.

I hope the extra week will help all who have less time to play.

... Toycat the Druid of Ancients in world Lugh ...
:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Patience is a virtue :. .:. .:. .:. .:

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