I grew up playing this game for many a years with the most amazing people in this world. We used kik messenger as a form of communication outside of the game and always had a blast on this thing. You can probably read from old forum pages just how much of a doofus I was but that’s what youth looks like I guess (gosh it is so embarrassing reading my old posts).
A message for the people in my era, if I have ever upset you, if I have ever stepped out of line or used a particular type of language, or misunderstood you or hurt you in any way shape or form, I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart and hope that you can forgive me. I mean no harm to anyone and wish to cherish any interaction with anyone I come across. I hope you are all doing well and living well and healthy in your lives.
A message for the new generation in Lugh, make this world the best place to visit. The game feels pretty alien to me since the last time i played it but from what I can see it is pretty scam proof now. However it still looks like cooperation and teamwork is a big must. Stick together, strive and conquer. Help one another, help your foes, allies and pretty much everyone. In the end just create a great atmosphere where everyone can enjoy and laugh together. Wish you all well in your adventures in this game!
I hope anything I have said hasn’t offended anyone (if i have then please reply to me and i will make amendments). I wish everyone the best in their endeavours.
P.S. As for me, I will try and make the time to play once again hopefully