To clarify.. Lugh is still a dom clan server. Only Alliance, who turned it from a free server in the first place, aren’t dom anymore so they are doing what they can to survive.
The server shouldn’t be misrepresented as free Lugh.
To roll, first you have to win. You do not need to worry about pures or seeds. Maybe ritual eggs and the occasional urn.
Yes pegasus is the dom clan. However we have grouped for raids, had the right amount of people to kill the raid, but pegasus rushed in and outlocked us. So be it, but don’t pretend we don’t have the potential to kill raids. Plenty of end-game players that are outside pegasus.
But then again, this post is not intended to resolve a discussion about who is dominant and what pegasus can do. This post is about letting people in others servers know that there is a bunch of people in Lugh that dices for drops. This group can kill edl bosses. And probably up to proteus as it is right now. Maybe with a perfect spawn time and the right people online ever gelebron.
So months ago when I left Alliance, I asked if pegasus wanted to opt in with this system and they refused. That’s fine. But there is no need to derail a topic in such manner that is meant to notify people about our playstyle. That’s uncalled for and highly immature.
No one is derailing the post man, were having a peaceful discussion, it will mislead people to xfer and end up rolling for nothing more then eggs and urns, i have seen the 4 clans try to gather that are uncapable to down prot as we saw this morning, no tanks and no where near enough dps- and when you tried gathering for necro it was the same thing lot of lackage, its not derailing, but i would like you to be specfic and explain to people that the docing clans hanst downed any raids, so people dont xfer for nothing
What were we lacking at necro? We had tanks, druids, lures, a ghost group and dps. We lost a lock fight, which was chaotic for a multi clan effort to coordinate. We are still improving and learning.
But it’s nice how you try to make us appear like we can only kill the lower dl bosses.
But you are very clearly missing the point. This is not about trying to hoard every boss in this game. This is for people that like to play casually, where the social aspect is more important than the camp till you drop dead policy.
We like to give players its freedom to decide how they want to play the game. We have a bunch of upcoming players that we do some boss hunts with. A steady and growing playerbase. So I would appreciate it if you can stop derailing this thread ( yes you are very much derailing it). This is an invitation and a manual for the people that would be interested in it. Not an opportunity to try drag a new starting system trough the dirt.
You don’t see me ruin your topics, so again, appreciated if you have the decency to do the same.