^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Drops belong to players the item itself falls on. Not some second party system
oh yeah......
Then what is the "Party System" called
when your Clan DoMMy just up & kept
drops that they just felt like keeping
from players?
You sure sound like you're at THE
Bottom of the ole DoMMyPole.
Good Luck waiting in line for your piece
of That Pie.
Meanwhile, we on #TeamLugh are all
gearing each other, in spite of you all
saying that we aren't.
That also goes for our Mains & our many
Alts that we've been working on.
As The Saying Goes:
...be careful of what you wish for.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^(Extra note: I wouldnt belive anyone who's very first post was on this topic)
ikr +999999999999
When anyone does that, its just plain
obvious how desperate they make it
all sound.
The players who have been around
for ages could never be fooled by this
desperate attempt at a lame speech
to make The UnRighteous seem
Giddy Up...Ride 'em Cowboys!!!!