Right. One of the things that angered me the most was that Virus was letting Alliance dice if they locked, but if Alliance locked they didnt let them dice. Talk about being selfish. There are no lies from non alliance members only the truth. Also Bbluke, I did my job at exposing you because u had nothing to say lol.
This is also fact what Mysteryman stated.
We all (entirety of Lugh Players no matter
which clan you were in) allowed
Clan DoMMy to roll & win drops, REGARDLESS
of the fact that Clan Virus & all others Clans were being refused to roll by Clan DOM.
Clan DOM was in fact refusing ALL Non
Alliance players chances of winning drops, while
we still allowed Clan Alliance to win drops.
I was asked numerous times...
"Why are you allowing this"?
A simple answer:
"because we play fair & Value Our Dignity".
I have even witnessed players leave
their clan on the spot, because they
were being harassed & humiliated
into joining Clan DOM, so just to be able
to have a shot at winning a drop from
a boss fight they were just in, they took off
their respective Clan Banner, & joined Clan
DOM on the spot.
Nice recruiting tactic would'nt you say
Then you have some very long time
Players who refused to bend over to
Clan DOM, give them the satisfaction
& gratification of forcing players to
join their regime, whom have decided
to instead, Gracefully bow out of CH
& quit before obeying any corrupted
DOM actions.
Now, you're left with us #TeamLugh
THE Ones who refused to do either
of the above just stated.
All of your lousy Speeches here are
simply for the new comers into CH
who were not around through all of
your disgusting & UnFair game play.
That, & also to try & convince new Players
& yourselves, that you have Transitioned
Server Lugh into your Little DOM world
Pleasantly, righteously, fairly & with no
foul occurances. Which is Totally false.
You have lamed & maimed fair Players
of Lugh.
The more you Belittle #TeamLugh,
the Stronger WE become.
So Brag on Brats...
The Best is yet to come
PS: be careful what you wish for