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Hey Noobs

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:29 pm
by sarge
Listen up noobs of Lugh. I you see someone training skills please leave their mobs alone. If asked to stop, stop. Failure to stop will generally lead to one or two conclusions. One, you will be ksed until you leave the area. Two, any assistance you might need in the future will probably go unheard making life tougher to level and get quest completed. What I have seen is it is generally the new clans and toons around 75 or so. Yes, we all know you need to level, however, there is plenty of places to go elsewhere. One clan in particular is bad abou this. I won name names because of the rules of the forum. That clan is not very heroic in my eyes. So noobs of Lugh, instead of killing someone's mob, wait just a bit. Have a good one.

Re: Hey Noobs

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:10 pm
by ShannonFromLugh
I disagree abit, some players dont know if you are training skills or not. All they know is attack. And btw some people don't know english. If you are training on bloodgrove druids, then I don't blame the 'noobs'. Druids cast all their spells and spam the chatbox. Players sometimes don't even notice you said 'stop'. I think high levels should be more patient.

Re: Hey Noobs

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:24 pm
by Mightywarrior!
Oh yea i saw u training and then Neek2 comes in and attack lol

Re: Hey Noobs

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:19 pm
by Deth
I disagree abit, some players dont know if you are training skills or not. All they know is attack. And btw some people don't know english. If you are training on bloodgrove druids, then I don't blame the 'noobs'. Druids cast all their spells and spam the chatbox. Players sometimes don't even notice you said 'stop'. I think high levels should be more patient.
I full deaseagree with you and full agree with sarge

Re: Hey Noobs

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:35 pm
by xyn
personally, i think xp takes precedence over abilities; but it is good that sarge has explained what is going on so there can be a civilized conversation. I admit i was a bit confused the first few times i saw it happening. if it weren't for the fact that i knew the people involved, and their high level, i would have assumed they were being swamped and maybe needed help.

thanks for bringing attention to the issue. with the update coming soon, i think a lot of people are trying to both increase their level and their abilities - so conflicts are likely to arise.

Re: Hey Noobs

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:29 pm
by ShannonFromLugh
Deth, let me give you an example :) that day i was training my warding ability on scryers(idk how to spell) and after 10mins, a level 38 comes and kills it. Ok, i had no time to say stop because he killed it fast. But, I told him nicely that I am actually training my ability and he said 'sorry i didn't know'. I mean seriously, most of the people here on forums are level 120+ in game. We can't expect new players to understand straight away what is ability training. Just trying to say, that sometimes we just have to be abit more patient. :)

Re: Hey Noobs

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:22 pm
by Treeboy
Personally, I believe that communication is the key here.
All you need to do is ask the other player whether they need some help.
In my experience, the ones that need help say "yes please", the ones that don't give a reason as to why this is not the case.
All we need to do is talk to each other.
Surely that cannot be too hard, can it?

Re: Hey Noobs

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:58 pm
by sarge
Thanks for the input. The problem is that a person training has probably 4 mobs at the most on them. For example, druid grove, you can't tell me that there is not enough stuff to level on in that world. Wisp, unicorns etc. No I think its just being rude. I guess most peeps are just kids and dont know how to respect others be it a high level or a low level player. I have to disagree with you on one thing Ak, leveling abilities is just as important as xp. Whatever the case, my advice is to ask first and respect the player that has the mob. If not, then deal with the ksing or no help that comes with the behavior. On a funny note, a toon attacked one of my training mobs and then ask for heals during he attack. What a joke. Have a great one.

Re: Hey Noobs

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:24 am
by rawr
you were training skills on a cannacht trapper i needed 1 more to finish quest i tried to take you killed it then you ksed me and said you was trying to teach me manners -_- you went to far sarge nobody gets away with ksin me, you may have noticed i have been playing on lugh quite alot lately its so i can level as much as i can and RAWR!!!!!! at you when i go past your level mwhaahahahaha

Re: Hey Noobs

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:25 am
by rawr
oh yea im CuChulainn