Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Clan hoppers*

First of all to those who dont know the meaning.
A clan hopper is a person who joins ( most time low level ) a clan to get geared up and get power, after his goal, he goes to the next clan to get his upgrades etc. Etc.
Unfortunately, we , ancients , had one of those so called 'clan hoppers' in our clan.
We put alot of time and efforts in him and his account and he left with a vague reason...
I see this is becoming a greater problem in the world, speaking of all MMO's out here.
So to the chiefs, be carefull with new players and dont give them acces to banks/clan vaults to quickly.

Just a heads up for all of us.

Happy hunting! - ToFat
Lv152 warrior ToFat4Fun
(And some alts)

Re: Clan hoppers*

We all know you are referring to me,
No need to hide this,
I'm not a clan hopper, i simply joined Berserkers bc there was some fighting going on in ancients,
I didnt "use" u guys just to level up,
I'm really upset you guys feel this way,
I never intended to hurt anyone,
I'm really sorry for what has happened but im not sorry for joining berserkers
Hope we can find a way to fix this problem soon
With kind regards PVP

Re: Clan hoppers*

I play some other mmo's that im alot more powerful in then celtic heroes... And i have to say. People that hop clans are quite shunned in almost all of them... Ur lucky celtic heroes people are nice...

Pvp this is not directed at u... U are a nice guy

Cheers 8-)

Re: Clan hoppers*

All clans that have clan banks that help people are always gonna come across these things. We've had it happen. The only thing we do is not allow access to the bank until a certain recruitment period. One month for us and only give higher end quest items, i.e. drags, elms, and what used to be minds and spaces, to those that gave back to the clan. Even so though there are gonna be happenstances. But all in all, the way i look at it, is we've done what we set out to do. We took a good player and helped him progress farther in the game. Should he choose to take a different path in the long run, I am not one to stop him. :) There will be others.
MaxeesVigor 200 druid
Independent of Lugh

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