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Hi zerkers!

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:36 am
by DaftPunk
Good afternoon bros and sist!
I havent been on for a while. Missing u all much. Today had time to log in and omg whats going on?! I havent found a lot of ppl not even online but in clan at all! Where have u all gone? Whats going on in zerkers? :o

Thnx all for out time. And sorry for my noob questions, just wanna know is it worth to come back.

General DaftPunk


Re: Hi zerkers!

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:31 am
by HrFnasemos
Good afternoon bros and sist!
I havent been on for a while. Missing u all much. Today had time to log in and omg whats going on?! I havent found a lot of ppl not even online but in clan at all! Where have u all gone? Whats going on in zerkers? :o

Thnx all for out time. And sorry for my noob questions, just wanna know is it worth to come back.

General DaftPunk


Dont know whats up with all those people leaving zerkers, but DaftPunk, you and your missus are always warmly welcomed in Lugh;-)

Re: Hi zerkers!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:18 pm
by DaftPunk
Thnx bro. I appreciate it much :D

Re: Hi zerkers!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:09 pm
by ToFat4Fun
Anyone, what happen to shad? Havent seen hin for a loong while

Re: Hi zerkers!

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:08 am
by Basalt
Hey daft. Everyone is leaving zerks because there is no command system. The only active players are recruits and clansmen and maybe 1 or 2 guardians. That's the reason I left anyway. I loves zerkers but its no fun when the gens and guards and most importantly the chief aren't ever on. Hope that helps.

Re: Hi zerkers!

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:00 pm
by madmac

Many left because the glue that held berserkers together is no longer present. I mean the old players. The knew ones looked to shad, jaa, thing, wendel, daft, etc for guidance and help. Once that was gone, many left. It is sad of what is happening, but i really dont know how to correct it at this point.

I always love berserkers and have to say it was my favorite time in CH.

Re: Hi zerkers!

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:36 am
by Arrow26
This is the first time in some months or so that i check the forums, and i logged in for the last time even longer ago. I am sorry to hear about so many people leaving zerkers, but I'm not planning to come back soon. Eventhough i am only level 115 leveling became so boring. Ill show up when the new game engine is released and crafting is introduced, but not earlier. It's just a too boring game the way it is now.

Although i hope to see you all again when V5 is released and see what is left from zerkers.