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buying fashion masks and hats

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:06 am
by Mysteryman
Hey all,

We're looking to buy some party hats, coven hats, lugh masks, yule hats, and crowns, however we're only looking for some of each of these. Below is a list of the ones we need. If you are selling any of these items, please contact Furyion or Raijin in game or on here. Thank you. See you in game.

Party hats- black

Coven hats (witch hats)- green, blue, purple, white

Lugh masks- green, blue, purple, white, black, turquoise

Yule hats- white, black, blue

2012 crowns- black, white, and any sparkly ones

Re: buying fashion masks and hats

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:58 am
by Charlotte1451
I have lots of pink party hats my name is charlotte2001 on the game

Re: buying fashion masks and hats

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:08 pm
I have a white crown from this year if your interested?

Re: buying fashion masks and hats

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:29 pm
by LadyB
Party hats- black Check

Coven hats (witch hats)- green Check, blue Check, purple, white

Lugh masks- green Check, blue, purple, white, black, turquoise

Yule hats- white, black, blue Check

2012 crowns- black, white Check, and any sparkly ones Only Red