Auction house for lugh
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:36 pm
by Charlotte1451
Hi everyone i found this new cool thing for a auction house for lugh. If u go to general discussion and auction house there will be more information. I recommend u use it as u can advertise ur items for sale. Also if u do use this please recommend to ur friends and clan.
Re: Auction house for lugh
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:55 am
by Atonement
No one in lugh even wants to use that auction house, lugh is just to quiet for it lol. Trust me I wanted to try it and no one even makes a post. I made a couple posts and after a couple weeks later seeing if anyone will make a post, I found out this thing is just a waste of time. Might as well stick to forums :/