First is glashtyn deepscale. Located in fingals cave. Far southeastern point. Level 150. Drops dragonlord gems. Used for gloves and boots.
The remaining dragonlord bosses are in carrowmore.
Spider queen Ulrob. Northeast on the map. Level 155. Drops eggs and gems. Used for gloves, helm and legs.
Level 160 boggan boss, lol the name is long and crazy, someone else mention if you know. Located at the second to last room in the tribal tunnels. Drops urns, eggs and gems.
Level 165 boggan boss, once again, name lol. Last room in tribal tunnels. Drops idols, urns, eggs, and possibly gems.
Level 170 (175?) Sreng firbolg boss. I believe the fifth room in the deep caverns. Drops horns(?), idols, urns, eggs, and yes... Possibly gems.
Level 175 (180?) Snorri troll boss. Located in the "pit", southern deep caverns. Drops crowns(?), horns, idols, urns, and i think possibly eggs and gems... Just from what I've heard. Don't know for sure.
I could have crowns and horns mixed up. Progression of dragon drops is gems, eggs, urns, idols, horns(?), and crowns(?).
If you need help finding the exact location just whisper myself or any of your friends that are currently working on dragon. We'll be happy to show you