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Someone is posing as me.

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:06 am
by chaoslord1
Somebody (I'm 95% sure it's someone I know, but I will not break the shaming rule) is impersonating me as Raviel2. He will either say he is me or my brother (I don't even have a brother...) So far, he has asked people he knows I have a connection to, and asked them for 4k or some other stuff. I don't know if he's stopped yet, but still be on your guard for him.

I will never ask to HAVE something of yours for free. If I do, I'll say it like this: "GIMME DAT HERO REJUV MANNNNNN :P", and that is definitely a joke. And I don't joke around with total strangers.

Do not trust anybody with "Rav" in their name unless it's Raviel, NightlordRav, DrRav, FirebloodRav, and HunterRav. If a letter is replaced, check to see if the person is in clan "Elixir" or "Syndicate". If they aren't then THAT IS NOT ME! (HunterRav is currently not in a clan. And I don't even use him at the moment.)

Re: Someone is posing as me.

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:22 pm
by pandaa
Under stood ravikins

Re: Someone is posing as me.

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:59 am
by chaoslord1
ravikins -.-