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Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:57 pm
by Lukov
Ok so we did do Hrung today, but it reset, it is difficult to say how, but i believe everyone within the bosses range we're dead. Going to the far corners of the area is not the best idea but it is a good one.

1st of all, everyone had the right idea about doing a special skill for each person and a few major ones, but we need someone who has a lesser version of the skill to take over if their skill is evaded. E.g. Spigot has a nice Howling Wind, i personally had 26/30 howling, i was only really using it on adds, but occasionally id see hrung was missing howling, so id cast it. It might not be as strong but it does help.

2nd of all the adds. They spawn quite often and on both sides of the boss. They are devastating with their skills so they should be taken out as quickly as possible. A rogue who has decent armour and health, a warrior who can hold aggro over that rogue and is in full tank build (for later on) at least 4 druids in this group to cover a wide variety of skills. This is for the main side of the adds.

The adds that spawn in the corners arent very often and there should be a couple of people, who arent in the adds group, either dragging to the adds group or killing it themselves.

3rd of all the pox pots, i know i am guilty myself, but we need more pox pots! I suggest having atleast 50 pots. Everytime you die, the pot resets, i know many know this but it does mean that you will need to use them quite alot.

4th Gaston's pies! Have we forgotten about these? Lol, long lasting abundance! Who doesnt need this.

5th position. There should never be people outside the bosses range. Unless it is to kill an add. This causes bosses to get confused and reset.

Now onto the strategy itself

All people should be wearing full set or either dragonlord or frozen. This severely reduces some of the damage, especially from adds.

Hrung has 4 skills we should worry about, heal, lifesteal, berserk and stone shield. (Disregard any dps skills for the time being).

Stoneshield is basically a barrier, when possible inturrupt this. If not just spam skills and dps to break it.

Berserk (bolas breaker) this skill as i put it breaks any bolas, it would be good to inturrupt this as often as possible, but isnt necessary when tanking.

Lifesteal what can i say but dont let it happen! Bash, freeze whatever! Just stop it!

The heal itself, a few well timed bashes negate this well. Basically from roughly 25% all warriors should bash it non-stop, a few rogues and rangers should break off and help with adds in this time.

So for the first 75% it should go:

Adds are purged from the area, some are hard to reach so people with camo charms will need to lure these (Hrung cannot see through your camo)

Main tank, who is buffed completely by all buffs availiable, engages hrung. Druids follow by healing and buffing as needed.

Tip: casters can avoid pox by stepping back a few steps. Out of its range.

Dps follows. The dps try to basically debuff, and damage the boss as quickly and as much as possible to hit the heal early.

Adds group in the mean time break off the boss to engage adds, when needed. All druids should keep their group buffed as much as possible so they are ready for anything. While waiting for the adds to spawn, all druids can heal the main tank at the time.

This continues until around 25-30%, before he starts healing, when any warrior starts shield bashing non-stop. Arrange an order before hand, for instance, it goes, 1D, DA, o8o, calla, waio, jaylon, etc. there should be a word or signal for everyone to say/do to prepare the next person. Also there should be a few extra bashers incase someone evades.

While all warriors are on the boss, a few rogues and rangers, (possibly a mage) breaks off and kills the adds when they attack someone, all druids heal the main tank at this point. This enables maximum tanking, and maximum dps.

Mages would be a good idea for one or 2 of you to use freeze in this battle for an extra inturrupt.

All in all thats how i would like to see it happen.

Now rage basically means you need to use any and all inturrupting and movement slowing skills. Just to slow his rampage and allow our dps to do some dmg.

Re: Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:36 pm
by xyn
the reset is bizzare. Rangers can be hitting him just fine, but apparently, we are far enough away for a reset. at least that was what it seemed. there is probably a sweet spot where rangers and mages dont get killed like everyone else, but can keep the guy from resetting and still be doing our damage.

look forward to the next try. Thanks to Azz and the others for organizing. We did fairly well. We just need the heals to be interrupted. maybe a h2h person with a lot of health could help?

Re: Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:40 pm
by Calumallen
At the begining can others please leave boss alone as this makes dragging where we want a nightmare, this goes for all bosses , only takes a couple of seconds at begining but can make a big difference.

Re: Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:46 pm
by MadWild
Hello Everyone if u want to review the fight i have the link here

Sorry didnt get the start but got 80% of it missed the first 20% about!


Re: Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:02 pm
by virulent
Thanks for video

Re: Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:51 am
by Calumallen
Love the video great job

Re: Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:04 pm
by madmac
Thank you luk. I agree with what u say

A bit more dps on hrung and a few more bashers will do it.

Madwild. Ty for the vid. Nice job

Re: Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:41 am
by Deth
I'd add,don't forget about curse,it can reduce your health and energy on half.

Re: Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:59 pm
by castiglioni

2nd of all the adds. They spawn quite often and on both sides of the boss. They are devastating with their skills so they should be taken out as quickly as possible. A rogue who has decent armour and health, a warrior who can hold aggro over that rogue and is in full tank build (for later on) at least 4 druids in this group to cover a wide variety of skills. This is for the main side of the adds.
I was in the adds group and have this suggestion - multiple, smaller adds group. Position one on each side. Not much sense in have one big group running from side to side. It was hard to follow when the group split up and made healing the add tanks harder.

Or does it make any sense to have multiple add groups and not kill the adds? Just keep them 'busy' the whole fight and pull them away from the main fight, especially if a lot of people are going to show up again.What are the max number of adds that can spawn?

Re: Hrungnir (Lukov's guide)

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:06 pm
by virulent
I know what u mean cast. I was all over. I think only 2 spawned on backside. Most near bridge. Went pretty well till last 1/4 of health. Im sure we can fix it. :)