Old players quiting
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:39 pm
Ricktor and Valsy,( valsys sister)saying goodbye. Been fun, gratz all kids ppl we gaved stuff too,. We wish all goodluck in future and have fun. We wont read this forums so answers not needed. Just take care all, and life is what it is. We make a memorial visits each 4 juni for my Val. Ty celtic heroes. Player we wanne thanks for a good friendship.
First is ofcourse Higozuiki ( best friend ), Divine, ladyb, wytt, silenty, silentrouge, shendraduevil, adeboyar, daftpunk, sarge, kamanshi, callumallen, bloodath, chocodruid, midknight,9, ginger,Snipe, genghiskhan, wolksvagen, eliminister, vladivstok
Bd,d1, da, Jennie, gwydolen, mayw . And some more you know it, if i forgot you. NORTHBORNS, ETERNAl, SHIELD, LUGH, SOUTHBORNS out.
First is ofcourse Higozuiki ( best friend ), Divine, ladyb, wytt, silenty, silentrouge, shendraduevil, adeboyar, daftpunk, sarge, kamanshi, callumallen, bloodath, chocodruid, midknight,9, ginger,Snipe, genghiskhan, wolksvagen, eliminister, vladivstok
Bd,d1, da, Jennie, gwydolen, mayw . And some more you know it, if i forgot you. NORTHBORNS, ETERNAl, SHIELD, LUGH, SOUTHBORNS out.