So after our last Necro fight it is pretty obvious we need a lot more dl weapons. So I propose we make a list according to who is the most active, highest level, closest to offhand, and maybe other factors.
Every drop from Snorri will go to the person highest on list. No more dicing crowns, no trading crowns, no paying back crowns you owe. And if you have crowns sitting in stash then give them to person highest on list or you'll have a long time before you get to be on the list.
I know its harsh and a huge change but it needs to happen, imo.
So here is my list in order. We can change some rankings if everybody agrees.
1 Azzsaver
2 Dulcima
3 Replay
4 Sabre
5 Wendell/Venus/Maxees
1 Reytch
2 Furyion
3 Kemaz
4 MagicB
5 Neffy/Daw/Tomtom
1 LostGirl
2 Coolpas
3 Kraken
4 DiabloBlanco
5 Blackbowz/Natedog/Oisin
1 SneakyAzz
2 Instant
3 Vult
4 Grizz
5 Innocence
1 Elle
2 Waio
3 Mista
4 Cecil
5 Ginger/ZlayerZ/KD
If all the crowns sitting in stashes would be given to the people on these lists, I think half the people on these lists could get their offhand and be taken off.
Lets try to figure this out soon. It's becoming a mess.
We could also make a list of who needs dl armor set and give those drops, accordingly.
We could update list every week and continue like this as needed.
I know some of you are going to say, "Hey, this doesn't benefit me so I vote no!" Lets just make this happen anyways.
Sorry if I missed any obvious choices. And thanks again for reading another one of my long, rambling messages--Ade
Last edited by Adebayor on Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:58 am, edited 10 times in total.