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to plmps chief and gens

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:11 pm
by enteronslayer
Guys could you explain why you did what you did a while ago cause i got so confused with the info so that explains why i left sorry

(Please dont think I'm a little unfathomable for doing so)

Re: to plmps chief and gens

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 10:51 pm
by Judillia
Well its very simple. We needed some help in the game and moved our mains to a friends clan since they offered to help us. Our alts were promoted to take over the celticp1mps. Though many memebers took this the wrong way and left they realized we didnt abandon them and returned back to pimps :) We're sorry for the confusion this has caused anyone just trying to get ourselves straightened out. Poor Rosa's been trying to get her dragon lord for ages and we hated seeing her so discouraged. We still love you guys so much just so you know :)

Re: to plmps chief and gens

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:35 pm
by enteronslayer
I understand and i once again apologize for leaving but i think i need to for some reason but i don't hate you guys