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Necro plan

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:46 pm
by madmac
Again, I want to put up the plan for Necro. This is not set in stone and can and likely will be tweaked. I appreciate as much input as we can get.
WE CAN KILL NECRO IF WE GET ALL OUR HIGH LEVELS ON AT SAME TIME. THIS IS IMPERATIVE. Last time was to half with only 1 dps grp on necro. If we can get the second grp and include mages, we can do this. PLS COME IF YOU CAN.

grp 1
4-5 druids 1 tank
all druids need max lightning, 1 with max vines, 1 with max bees, 1 with ice ward, may be good to have 2-3 with max sanctuary, all have touch max, 1 with embrace, 1 with bark.

grp 2 (ghosts)
2 druids with offhand (I think dulci and rand here) 3-4 warriors, maybe 1 rogue with offhand. Mages from grp 3 and 4 can move in and out as smart has stated in next post. Please chime in. This grp is probably most critical, one ghost free causes major problems.

grp 3
2-3 rogues, 2-3 mages, 2-3 rangers until full, 1 warrior (stay on necro until acolytes respawn)

grp 4
rogues, rangers, mages, 1 warrior (stay on necro until acolytes respawn)

grp 5 (front bridge adds)
This grp should be those that are lower level but can still help. This grp does not have to be full as these adds are pretty easy.

grp 6 (if possible)
all others for dps on necro

by mixing classes in grp 3 and 4, we get buffs, etc for both grps.

NOTE: Necro is immune to poison so rogues will need to forgo shadowstrike. Will need 1 with max expose, and 1 with smoke.

Re: Necro plan

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:20 pm
by SmartOne96
No mages in the ghost group. Lures make no difference. Mages with dl offhand will stay on necro and run back to use the offhand skill on ghosts when it cools down. If expose is up, we will most likely only need one mage to lure. If we have a maxed pierce and a maxed slash lure we will be good. (Fire mages ofc will keep fire and if fury, kam, or shen is there ice will also be up.)

Re: Necro plan

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:42 pm
by madmac
Excellent input smart! We need to max dps on necro and still control ghosts. I would like to get some more input from the ghosts grp from last time. A short test on minimum to control them may be good?

My only 2 concerns: 1. getting enuf ppl there.
2. acolytes respawn. we will likely be better off to kill but, if they both spawn at same time or close.....

Re: Necro plan

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:22 pm
by Maxxee
With necro being immune to poison do we need a maxed swarm on him? Pretty sure bees deal poison damage.

Re: Necro plan

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:01 pm
by madmac
I thought so to max, but according to other druids, bees seemed to work. or maybe that was just on ghosts. idk need input

Re: Necro plan

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:24 pm
by Dulcima
When is this scheduled? I have a lot going on in rl, maybe I can make it if I can arrange things.