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I need your help please
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:31 pm
by Randall
Hello all.
Today we had an issue with a drop from one of the event Bosses. There were more than one group, after boss there was one drop, it was a Garanak's Ironroot Ring Health 500 Dex 100 Physical attac Evade +300.
All rolled, I rolled highest and was declared winner by the DM, DM traded me the item.
At no time did I see this other person roll.
I left the scene and was whispered that some one had lagged and rolled higher than me. I was not present for that roll.
I came back to the scene and was (in my opinion) pressured to give the drop up. I told them that I was not comfortable with the way this is going down and that I would post on forums.
I see that there are a few options here.
1. I keep drop
2. I give drop
3. We both reroll for drop
I need your help on this please.
Thank you
EDIT ---- I loaned the drop to our Mordris tank for tonights fight. I can get back if needed.
Re: I need your help please
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:37 pm
by Kalacore
Would say you get to keep the drop dm final say gave drop to you.Why wasn't this person picked up that they had lagged out or so called rolled?? So no randall do not feel pressured into given up the drop which you had rightly won.
Re: I need your help please
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:50 pm
by Natedog1
Hello all i was dm for this fight and take full responsibility for where ever this leads and apologize.
I gave drop to this person because i didn't know someone lagged, nor did anyone else, I felt it is only right to give her a chance to roll since she was camping and put in the work to roll, you cant blame her for lagging no one has control over something like that. there was plenty of witnesses who saw that she rolled higher then the person i gave drop too.
I say giving her the drop would be the right thing to do
Ty for time and again i apologize for this messy situation last time i dm lol
Re: I need your help please
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:57 pm
by Curry30423
I say re roll since u weren't present when the person rolled... Also so u can have a 3 way tie between ur options._.
Re: I need your help please
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:47 pm
by Dulcima
I was not there, so dog in the race ... But if i had a drop and someone had lagged, came back, was allowed to roll in front of dm and others and won, I would give to higher roller. Just my opinion.
Re: I need your help please
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:00 pm
by Kalacore
Hello all i was dm for this fight and take full responsibility for where ever this leads and apologize.
I gave drop to this person because i didn't know someone lagged, nor did anyone else, I felt it is only right to give her a chance to roll since she was camping and put in the work to roll, you cant blame her for lagging no one has control over something like that. there was plenty of witnesses who saw that she rolled higher then the person i gave drop too.
I say giving her the drop would be the right thing to do
Ty for time and again i apologize for this messy situation last time i dm lol
How come didnt notice she had lagged out? Shes in your clan and most prob other clannies were there also? You gave drop to rand fair and square usually if someone lags out others take their place to dice for that person if not back within a certain time. Being a dm you could of held on for her to log back in,why didnt anyone say wheres her roll when all rolls were done if you knew that person was there from the beginning?
Re: I need your help please
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:54 pm
by Judillia
Hey all. I wasnt online for any of this but i feel a need to say theres been a few instances once with a hrung skull and once with a mordy book when a drop was given to me as i was highest roller and then we all came to realize there was a missing roll who in turn rolled higher than my roll. I was bummed since id already been given the drops but both times i gave the items back. People lag.... It happens... But they still showed up they still battled they still have a right to roll. It sucks when everyones laughing and joking after a battle and we dont always see but it happens.... Just saying
Re: I need your help please
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:24 am
by Lukov
Honestly if anything happens here it should be a reroll between the two players if anything at all. Once a drop is handed out it is up to the winner to choose whether or not to give his/her drop away.
In my opinion rerolling would be fairest due to the fact that rand didnt see the persons roll. So this would allow for both players to have equal chance and also means nothing can be fabricated (not that that would happen)
Re: I need your help please
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:57 am
by Silentblade72
Keep it bro what if he lying to ya
Re: I need your help please
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 1:55 pm
by xyn
First, it is possible to lag without actually having a logoff (which would be noticed)
IMO, the dm makes these calls. He declares the winner. Given that the drop was given out and randall didnt see other person come back the only 2 choices i really see are:
1. Dm made the call with no objections, it is Randall's (i lean this way)
2. Randall and elle reroll
There is no really good choice here - which is why we generally go with the dm call at the time, and move on with our lives. I think of it as a type of statute of limitations. It sucks, but we got to move on and do the best we can.
The fact is, we have all probly lost stuff due to bad timing of a lagg.