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Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:41 pm
by SmartOne96
There does not yet seem to be a consensus about the level requirement for those mages that are in a support build for the 200 boss. This summer for gararnak the req was 185 for a support mage and 190 for dps (just like other dps chars). The issues that people have raised with this are:

1. It is difficult to tell if a mage is really fully in a support build.
2. Lures do not stack so really only one (maybe two) support mage is needed.
3. Some mages (in the past)have attempted to roll when they really only had lures at level 1 or did not have any lures that actually were not resisted. (In other words they had not actually contributed to the fight.)

Should the req be 190 for all mages?
Should it remain 185 for support mages?

I would be fine with either decision. In the past we have trusted players to no abuse the system. (i.e. only roll when they actually have contributed to a fight)
What are your thoughts? (I would especially like to hear what active mages over 180 or so have to say. We need to reach a consensus.)

Re: Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:57 pm
by paggasquid
I think this should stay. u just really need to know the other person.....

Re: Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:48 pm
by reytch
With all the high levels, imo, "support" mages are no longer necessary. And validating if a mage is really supporting is very hard. You rely on trust for that which tbh is hard to give with all the hooplas happening lately in the server.

Anyway the lure very much asked for is pierce which one or two high levels already cover. It will be plainly redundant to have 3 to five more doing the same thing.

DPS rule is 10 levels below the boss. So, level up y'all. Simple, ayt. No contentions of guilt, so you need not prove you're innocent.

Re: Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:17 pm
by Poisonouslugh
I say there's enough high levels now to have a consistent lvl requirement if it's 185 or 190 must go across all classes Sounds fair to me what u guys think.

Re: Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:23 am
by Vulture
Idk I think we should just do a can't roll for something more than 5 levels above yours rule tbh.

Re: Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:21 am
by paggasquid
keep the rule at 10 lvls below for all bosses. Thats the fairest in my opinion. And can someon post a topic about dice rules and pin point it so everyone can read it?

Re: Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:31 am
by MrN1ceGuy
It would be really great if we could somehow get statistics of the boss fight.... For example most dmg, most health tanked and such. I've seen these in many other mmo's and it's very very helpful in deciding who gets to have a share of the spoils.

Or maybe if they just simply added the name of the person who casted the lure (on the boss).

Re: Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:26 pm
by StormTheStriker
Doesnt druid stay at 180 or 185 cause you wasting poor callas idols :c

Re: Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:02 pm
by Vulture
Doesnt druid stay at 180 or 185 cause you wasting poor callas idols :c
Druid has always been ridiculous. I remember healing aggy at 110. Imo druid req should be 185 and everything else 190.(truthfully it should be 195 and 190 but levelling past 190 is truly a chore, kudos to those who do it though)

Re: Mage Support Level Req for 200

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:11 pm
by Poisonouslugh
I'm saying for all bosses should be one lvl for every class even mordis necro aggy hrung ext. .. If mordis is 185 than all classes should get there there's no need for 135 druids at age at all since half the time we kill with no tank anyway.