Alternative solution
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:46 am
Ok. I've openly opposed in a few threads the roll ban exclusions and feel it is appropriate to offer an alternative solution. I oppose the exclusion because of the precedent it sets. The following is the alternate proposal and the logic behind it.
Lugh has a cooperative environment which works well. If you show up at a boss early enough, and are of the right level .. You can be part of the kill and potentially win a drop. This is a positive, cooperative environment.
If, however, some parties choose to be pvp centric .. and focus largely on making their toon better at killing in the arena - we should not exclude them from the cooperative boss killing. I know that i am about to be told in all caps it is not about the arena killing .. The out of arena side to be addressed as well. A lot of the out of arena shenanigans is intended to incite other players to want to kill them in the arena ... See it for what it is.
Pvp killing in arena is sanctioned by OTM. Accept that. They put the daily bosses in there expressly to incite conflict in the arena. The long wait times for next spawn? That is time for arguments to start .. All intended to create drama and conflict.
Any out of arena abuse is easily addressed by blocking the insulting toon. Then the player doesn't exist to you outside of arena.
If the block approach does not serve your needs and you want to see a player banned .. Screen shot their foul language or vulgarities and submit to OTM. If enough players complain about a particular account .. And provide proof in the way of screenshots .. They will be banned.
We should not start excluding selected players from rolls and then create an environment where the only way to get a drop is be part of lock group. We can see this approach is already failing .. And the kabal reaction has been to expand the exclusion to players who group with the excluded .. Or players in the same clan... What next? You were standing too close to tzu .. So you cant roll.... You must have been in his group. This is insanity. The risk here is that we start excluding.. And then the list gets longer and longer until the server is at civil war ... With everyone fighting for lock group. Stop the insanity before the cooperative server environment is damaged.
Proposed solution:
1. Lift ban and allow rolling on bosses like all other eligible players
2. Block players you do not like or who are abusive, dont group or trade with them if you have issue w them
3. Alternatively, Screenshot any verbal abuses moving forward .. And send promptly to OTM support with request for action. This is, in fact, a harsher punishment because if they get banned by OTM .. They cant even transfer items to another server.
Keep Lugh cooperative!
No subjective exclusions, and no exclusions by association.
Lugh has a cooperative environment which works well. If you show up at a boss early enough, and are of the right level .. You can be part of the kill and potentially win a drop. This is a positive, cooperative environment.
If, however, some parties choose to be pvp centric .. and focus largely on making their toon better at killing in the arena - we should not exclude them from the cooperative boss killing. I know that i am about to be told in all caps it is not about the arena killing .. The out of arena side to be addressed as well. A lot of the out of arena shenanigans is intended to incite other players to want to kill them in the arena ... See it for what it is.
Pvp killing in arena is sanctioned by OTM. Accept that. They put the daily bosses in there expressly to incite conflict in the arena. The long wait times for next spawn? That is time for arguments to start .. All intended to create drama and conflict.
Any out of arena abuse is easily addressed by blocking the insulting toon. Then the player doesn't exist to you outside of arena.
If the block approach does not serve your needs and you want to see a player banned .. Screen shot their foul language or vulgarities and submit to OTM. If enough players complain about a particular account .. And provide proof in the way of screenshots .. They will be banned.
We should not start excluding selected players from rolls and then create an environment where the only way to get a drop is be part of lock group. We can see this approach is already failing .. And the kabal reaction has been to expand the exclusion to players who group with the excluded .. Or players in the same clan... What next? You were standing too close to tzu .. So you cant roll.... You must have been in his group. This is insanity. The risk here is that we start excluding.. And then the list gets longer and longer until the server is at civil war ... With everyone fighting for lock group. Stop the insanity before the cooperative server environment is damaged.
Proposed solution:
1. Lift ban and allow rolling on bosses like all other eligible players
2. Block players you do not like or who are abusive, dont group or trade with them if you have issue w them
3. Alternatively, Screenshot any verbal abuses moving forward .. And send promptly to OTM support with request for action. This is, in fact, a harsher punishment because if they get banned by OTM .. They cant even transfer items to another server.
Keep Lugh cooperative!
No subjective exclusions, and no exclusions by association.